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Controversy frequently occurs. Is the novel "melting stalks" a re-creation or plagiarism?

  □ Rule of Law Daily reporter Sun Tianjiao

  □ rule of law daily intern Chen Lier

  Not long ago, the dispute between Shen Nanqiao, a novelist, and Jiuyuexi over plagiarism aroused social concern. Shen Nanqiao posted on the social platform that in Jiuyuexi’s novel "A City Waiting for You", the character setting, personality and experience of the "fake brother and sister" are similar to those in his work "I’m only afraid that I love you", and a "palette" (a table comparing the plagiarized text with the original text) is listed. Jiuyuexi quickly counterattacked, listing "counter-offer" (refutation of "palette"), saying that there was no plagiarism, and "legal weapons are welcome to properly protect rights".

  In recent years, the word "melting stalk" has been frequently packaged with plagiarism, which has been called "more covert plagiarism" by many online novel writers and readers. There is no official definition of "melting stalk", which is usually considered that the other party has not copied the original text word for word, but the core plot of the story development is very similar to the character setting.

  In an interview with the reporter of the Rule of Law Daily, many experts believe that "melting stalks" is not completely equivalent to plagiarism in the sense of copyright law, but there is a great possibility of infringing copyright, and some of them are tantamount to "advanced plagiarism". In practice, it is difficult to prove and defend the rights of controversial works. We should be wary of beautifying "melting stalks" as "reference" and "tribute", so that defenders will be discouraged, plagiarists will escape punishment and the creative enthusiasm of the original creators will be dampened.

  Controversy over stem melting frequently occurs.

  Whether plagiarism is difficult to judge.

  At the beginning of this year, Ms. Tian of Changchun City, Jilin Province found that her work published on the online platform was "melted", and the name, cover and theme of the other work were highly similar to the original article. "It can be said that it was directly taken down."

  What makes Ms. Tian even more shocked is that the people who "melt" her works are her fans and often interact with themselves in the comment area. Ms. Tian then confided in the other party privately. At first, the other party denied the "melting stalk", but admitted it after seeing the comparison of the two works made by Ms. Tian.

  In the end, the result of the negotiation between the two parties was that the other party publicly apologized to Ms. Tian on the publishing platform and put the apology statement on the top. Seeing the apology statement of the other party, Ms. Tian wanted to further defend her rights, but she felt that the work was "broken" and not simply copied.

  According to the reporter’s investigation, there are frequent disputes about "melting stalks" in current novels, especially online novels.

  Previously, the work "Fairy Tale Sequel" by the author of a web platform was accused by netizens of "melting stalks" and many other works, including the design of male and female hosts and the key plot points. In the end, Muque tweeted an apology to the author, Ear Dong Rabbit, saying that she had "borrowed too much" in her description. At present, the online platform shows that "Fairy Tale Sequel" is illegal.

  The reporter searched on major online platforms with the word "melting stalks" and found that many online writers posted that their works were "melting stalks". For the behavior of "melting stalks", the vast majority of authors scoff. One author with millions of fans once wrote an article bluntly: "There are so many core stalks in a text, which person who writes with real skills is not clear? I resolutely resist the situation of melting stalks and copying stalks. I also sincerely hope that all my readers will resist this kind of behavior. This is the protection of the original author. Otherwise originality will die. "

  For the behavior of "melting stalks", many readers bluntly said that it was "completely unacceptable". Huang Shushu (pseudonym) of Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province said: "Compared with plagiarism, ‘ Melt stalks ’ Behavior is more unbearable to some extent. Because word-for-word plagiarism can directly prove it, but it is ‘ Melt stalks ’ It is often difficult for authors to prove themselves, and some ‘ Melt stalks ’ Some people still call it ‘ Learn from ’ Or ‘ Coincidence ’ 。”

  However, some readers said that they don’t mind whether the novel is "melting". Silent (pseudonym), who went to college in Haidian, Beijing, thinks that "melting stalks" is different from plagiarism, and plagiarism is an imitation of "a large area", while "melting stalks" is only a reference for a small part of the plot. "If ‘ Melt stalks ’ Part is not the core of the work, and it will not affect my perception of the novel. "

  Xu Yaoming, executive vice president of the Network Literature Research Institute of Central South University, said that "melting stalks" is not a legal term, but an online buzzword. It is generally believed that "melting stalks" refers to the act of collecting the creativity of all parties in the process of online literature creation and borrowing other people’s intellectual achievements in the aspects of character setting and story routine. "Melting stalks" is not completely equivalent to plagiarism in the sense of copyright law, but in practice, "melting stalks" does have a great possibility of infringing copyright.

  Wang Zhengzhi, a partner of Gawain Law Firm and director of all china lawyers association Intellectual Property Committee, told the reporter that from a legal point of view, "melting stalks" and plagiarism cannot be equated. The word "plagiarism" corresponds to the act of "plagiarizing other people’s works" in the context of copyright law, and the plagiarist should bear legal responsibility. The word "melting stem" is not spoken in French illegally, and the boundary is unknown. The object and degree of "melting stem" may affect the legal evaluation of "melting stem" behavior. "Not all ‘ Melt stalks ’ Acts constitute infringement in copyright law. "

  During the interview, some network writers said that it is precisely because of the above characteristics of "melting stalks" that "there are hardships".

  Ms. Yuan, an online writer from Gansu, posted on the social platform that her article was "broken by two big brothers for many times", but she knew that if she worked hard to make a "palette", there was a high probability that the other party would not be sanctioned, and it would "attract other plagiarists to step on it". She told reporters that the writers who were "melted", despite their anger, most of them would not defend their rights and spit on social accounts at most. "Because there is no way ‘ Beat to death ’ The other side, the official also has no ‘ Melt stalks ’ A clear definition, too true, may bring trouble to yourself. "

  According to the reporter’s investigation, when the author or reader puts forward that a work is suspected of "melting stalks", he usually sends out a "palette" between the original work and the plagiarized work, including the specific release time of the work, the specific scene description in the article, the development context of the story, and the personality setting of the characters in the novel, and compares the similarities or even similarities between the two works one by one.

  However, many times the "palette" is not convincing enough. Ms. Chen, a citizen of Beijing, has been reading online novels for nearly 10 years, and has also witnessed many online novel writers or readers denouncing them in the form of "palette". She said that the problem of "melting stalks" involves the setting of characters, the background of the story, the trend of the plot, etc. It is difficult to present an overview in one or two sentences. "Some authors ‘ Hammer ’ Others, mixed with a lot of their own opinions and emotions, hang people ‘ Melt stalks ’ Examples of the final rollover are also everywhere. "

  Strict conditions for infringement

  It is difficult to protect rights by melting stalks

  Judging from the investigation, the dispute of "melting stalks" often stays in the online battle between the two sides, and most of them go away. Only a few authors choose to protect their rights through law.

  In March, 2022, network writer Zuzhan issued a document saying that his case of suing another network writer, Jiu Yuexi’s Xiao Nanfeng, for infringing the copyright of his work Hug You Over Time had been filed. This case is also the first one to go to the litigation stage after the establishment of the anti-plagiarism fund initiated by writer Zhuang Yu.

  According to the official response of the Anti-Plagiarism Fund, most of the elements in Xiao Nanfeng, including the story background, structure and narrative context, come from Hug You Over Time, and even the characters can correspond to each other one by one, but none of the sentences in the two works are completely coincident. "The descriptions and dialogues of the sentences in the closest situation are also slightly different."

  According to lawyer Yue Shenshan, a member of the Anti-Plagiarism Fund Management Committee, after four months, the Anti-Plagiarism Fund invited experts and college student volunteers to read and compare the two works, and decided to give assistance on the basis of summarizing the reading reports issued by the volunteers who participated in the reading comparison. At present, the case has been heard twice.

  What is the difficulty of judicial rights protection in the dispute of "melting stalks"?

  Wang Zhengzhi believes that, on the one hand, novels accused of "melting stalks" are often popular works, and defenders will face great public pressure to resort to legal channels. On the other hand, if we resort to the law, the judicial determination of the infringement of literary works is still unclear, and there are great differences between cases; Even if the case is won, the amount of compensation is often out of proportion to the time and energy invested.

  In Xu Yaoming’s view, in addition to the high litigation cost, the difficulty in determining the nature of infringement has greatly lengthened the trial cycle of such "advanced plagiarism" cases, and at the same time tested the professional standards of plaintiff lawyers and judges.

  According to public information, in 2019, the Chaoyang District People’s Court of Beijing made a judgment on the plagiarism case of 12 writers v. Splendid Weiyang. The first instance found that the plagiarism was established, and ordered the defendant Zhou Jing (pen name Qin Jian) to immediately stop the copying, distribution and online communication of the novel Splendid Weiyang from the effective date of the judgment, and compensate the plaintiff for economic losses. There are many places in the novel "Splendid Weiyang" that directly copy the original texts of other novels, and some of the contents are accused of "melting stalks", but the expression is "cleverly" re-created. After the dust settled in this case, many netizens sighed with emotion: "‘ Melt stalks ’ Finally, I have the hope of identifying plagiarism. "

  Xie Yujia, a judge of the Intellectual Property Court of Chaoyang Court, said that when the specific expression of the originality of the right work and the accused work is substantially similar, the court may consider that the accused work constitutes infringement. First of all, we need to confirm the samples for comparison, that is, the specific expression parts of the right works and the accused works. If the relationship between characters and the setting of specific plots are rich enough, they can be regarded as concrete expressions. "Copyright does not protect ideas. Only when the concrete expressions are substantially similar can it be regarded as copyright infringement."

  Xie Yujia said that the difficulty in identifying the infringement of "Ronggeng" works lies in the distinction between adaptation and reasonable reference. Adaptation, that is, on the basis of the original work, produces a new deductive work through its own creative activities. Although the author of the adapted work has also paid creative labor, it is an infringement without the permission of the original author. Drawing lessons may refer to the act of simply using the ideas of the right works instead of expressing them, or it may refer to rational use.

  "Ideological reference does not involve the original achievements of works that infringe rights, and it is usually not considered as copyright infringement. However, whether the specific expression of reference constitutes infringement depends on the proportion of reference content. The consideration of this ratio should not only be considered quantitatively, but also from the perspective of the importance of learning from the content and the originality of expression, that is, the qualitative dimension. The evaluation criteria need to be analyzed in combination with specific cases. " Xie Yujia said.

  Take relevant cases as guidance.

  Properly protect original works

  According to Xu Yaoming, in recent years, the number of cases involving "advanced plagiarism" has increased. In June this year, the Network Literature Research Institute of Central South University and Hubei Copyright Protection Association published "Ten Typical Judicial Cases of Copyright Protection of Online Literature in China in 2022", which included two cases involving novel plagiarism.

  In the case of copyright infringement between Zhu Ruyue and a publishing company limited, Luo Mou and a publishing media group limited, Zhu Ruyue believed that the first to ninth chapters in The Legend of Hailanzhu were the creation of the novel "Walking Alone in the World", and plagiarized in 17 main plots, 10 general plots and many sentences, so he sued the court. After trial, the court held that judging from the similar main plot, general plot and sentence length of the two works, it is not within reasonable limits to combine the overall expression ratio of the works. Luo and a publishing company were sentenced to stop publishing infringing books, apologize and compensate economic losses (including reasonable expenses for rights protection) of 70,000 yuan.

  The reporter combed the public information and found that the author accused of "melting stalks" often argued that it did not constitute plagiarism on the grounds that "similar content and plot belong to the public domain material category or customary expression".

  In this regard, Xie Yujia explained with cases that in literary works, it usually involves the identification of "specific situation", "limited expression" and "public domain material". When considering whether the works and contents formed on the basis of using specific situations, limited expressions and public domain materials are protected by copyright law, we should focus on judging whether the author has added original wisdom expressions to give original meaning to related achievements. If the content of the relevant work is enough to be regarded as a concrete expression, the burden of proof lies with the defendant as to whether it belongs to a specific situation or not.

  Wang Zhengzhi believes that for the new phenomenon in the field of literary creation, the past methods of infringement judgment are facing many difficulties in application, and the court urgently needs to explore and form appropriate judgment rules and methods to accurately identify the behavior of "melting stalks" in specific circumstances, which can neither make the author unreasonably monopolize the public domain elements, nor make the word "melting stalks" an excuse for plagiarists to evade legal responsibility, and make legal weapons a reliable way for original authors to protect their rights, so that plagiarists dare not use "melting stalks" as an excuse.

  In Xu Yaoming’s view, the existence of the dispute of "melting stalks" is in the final analysis the existence of plagiarism. Plagiarism in online literature should be tackled from the source, that is, the original platform of online literature should earnestly shoulder the responsibility, strengthen the examination of online novels, and provide a harmonious and healthy atmosphere for writers and readers at the platform level. With the deep application of artificial intelligence, big data and algorithms in the field of copyright protection, it is expected to strengthen source governance through technical means in the future. At the same time, the state and relevant departments should do a good job in legislative norms and guidance, and take measures to ban the bad network authors who have repeatedly involved plagiarism.

  Yue Shenshan believes that there should be a dividing line between "melting stalks" and plagiarism, and plagiarism can be recognized beyond this line. However, due to the particularity of literary and artistic creation and the lag of law, there is no such clear distinction standard in the field of copyright infringement. The anti-plagiarism special fund also hopes to popularize copyright-related knowledge and advocate public respect for copyright and intellectual copyright by helping and dismantling some typical cases.

  Xie Yujia told reporters that in recent years, the courts have strictly implemented measures related to intellectual property protection, increased compensation for infringement damages, actively studied and handled new types of cases, and effectively protected the legitimate rights and interests of copyright owners. "Under the new industrial changes and the rapid development of the digital economy, new problems in the field of copyright emerge one after another. We will continue to improve the trial level of copyright disputes through the summary of case adjudication experience. " 

Dynamic Work of Jiangxi Provincial People’s Government Xinyu Let Love Culture Empower Tourism

Love is an eternal topic for all mankind. On Tanabata this year, a group of tourists from home and abroad and representatives of scenic spots parachuted into Xinyu, and jointly established the first international love tourism destination alliance in China. As the smallest prefecture-level city in Jiangxi, it has persistently carried the banner of "Qixi Culture" and the dialogue with the world, and set off a brainstorm about how to build China Valentine’s Day IP and how traditional culture can empower tourism.

  Come for the warmth of love and the inheritance of China Qixi culture.

  This activity originated from a legend 1,600 years ago. Gan Bao, a writer in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, described a beautiful story of "Fairy Descending to Earth" in 90 words in Searching for the Gods. The fairy in the story came down to earth, which was the Fairy Lake in Xinyu City.

  Over the years, Xinyu has been doing one thing persistently, how to make Chinese Valentine’s Day, a traditional festival in China, "live" and "fire".

  In 2015, China Folk Literature and Art Association awarded Fairy Lake the title of "Hometown of Seven Fairy Tales in China". Since then, Xinyu City has jointly held the China Tanabata Cultural Seminar with the China Folk Writers Association for four consecutive years, and jointly held the Tanabata Gala with the Central Radio and Television General Station for three consecutive years.

  "We meet in Fairy Lake, for the warmth of love, for the inheritance of China Qixi culture, and for the integration of culture and tourism. We hope to provide Xinyu experience and contribute to the inheritance of China’s traditional excellent culture." Li Ruifeng, member of the Standing Committee of Xinyu Municipal Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department, said.

  "A city is so persistent in exploring its own cultural pride in ancient history, studying it, developing it and promoting it. This is the most vivid annotation of China people’s cultural consciousness and cultural self-confidence." Wang Yuqi, former president of Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences, praised Xinyu.

  "I am very touched. There is not only youthful love here, but also the love for children, the love for patients and the care for the elderly in Xinyu. When I saw that scene, I was almost moved to tears." Liu Yeyuan, a professor and well-known scholar at China Communication University, and hundreds of guests watched the promotional film "Xinyu has Love" and learned that there is one volunteer in every six people in Xinyu. She said: "This kind of love in Xinyu is the proudest and biggest highlight compared with other love tourist destinations."

  China’s first international love tourism destination alliance was established.

  This year’s Tanabata Folk Culture Seminar is also the Fairy Lake International Love Lake Tourism Summit. Representatives from Athens, Greece, the hometown of Cupid, the hometown of Romeo and Juliet, Verona, Italy, the maiden of the Seven Fairies and the representative of Tianchi Lake in Tianshan, Xinjiang, where the Queen Mother of the West is located, and representatives from China love lakes such as Liuye Lake in Changde, Peacock Southeast Flying Scenic Area in Anqing, Shenyuan Scenic Area in Shaoxing, Huaqing Palace Everlasting Sorrow Scenic Area in Xi ‘an and Qiandao Lake Scenic Area in Hangzhou also came.

  At the summit, Tianshan Tianchi and Xinyu Fairy Lake signed a friendly contract, and the first domestic international love tourism destination alliance was formally established in Xinyu. The world will know Xinyu because of Fairy Lake, and Xinyu will go to the world because of Fairy Lake.

  Chinese Valentine’s Day successfully transformed love culture to empower tourism.

  During the event, cultural scholars and experts in the tourism industry also launched a number of brainstorming. Ten keynote speeches and two round-table forums focused on the Seven Fairy Cultures, the connotation of Chinese Valentine’s Day culture and its tourism value, and the theme that love culture empowers tourism.

  "This is a huge dialogue camp, and the discussion has depth and breadth. All the speeches have resonated in our hearts in an instant, forming a collision, which has made us gain far more enlightenment than speeches on a single topic." Julia, Chairman of Jiangxi Federation of Literary and Art Circles, commented.

  "Chinese Valentine’s Day has given new meaning, and Xinyu has contributed. Tanabata made China have his own Valentine’s Day. " Wan Jianzhong, vice chairman of China Folk Writers and Artists Association, expects that Xinyu will construct the elements of Qixi Valentine’s Day with national and local characteristics, create a whole set of holiday behaviors, and enrich the cultural connotation of Valentine’s Day.

  "Xinyu is a city with a very good muscle base." Lee Hung, former secretary and director of the Party Committee of Hangzhou Tourism Commission, believes that the activation, visualization, youthfulness and fashion of culture are very important propositions. "Xinyu, a city with spatial scale, a city full of affinity and friendliness, and a city supported by the real economy are the best tourist destinations for development. Finally, it is the only choice to move towards the integration of scenery and city, and the integration of city and scenery."

Source: Jiangxi Daily

Bring "light" to the disaster area and send new year’s goods. China soldiers spent New Year’s Eve like this.

Special topic: unity is strength, freezing disaster prevention

  The air force took off again to send "light" to the disaster area

  Wuhan, Feb. 6 (Shen Jinke, Li Cheng) Feb. 6 is the New Year’s Eve of China. In order to bring "light" to the people in the disaster area on New Year’s Eve, China Air Force took off five large transport planes again on the morning of the 6th, and airlifted 150 tons of candles from Shijiazhuang to Guiyang, Changsha and Nanchang respectively.

  According to the spirit of the Party Central Committee’s instructions on ensuring transportation, power supply and people’s livelihood, China Air Force attaches great importance to the work of air transportation lighting and communication facilities on the eve of the Spring Festival. The air force transport plane troops charged ahead and bravely shouldered heavy burdens. At 4 o’clock in the morning on the 6th, three units ordered to airlift 100 tons of candles to Guiyang, Changsha and Nanchang began to prepare for the flight. At 7: 05, more than 50 pilots bid farewell to their relatives who were preparing to spend the New Year together and were ordered to take off urgently.

  At 19: 05 on the 6th, at the request of Fujian Province, the Air Force dispatched two large transport planes again to airlift 50 tons of candles to Fuzhou.

  At 13: 50 on the 6th, the author connected with Li Qinghua, director of Jiangxi Domestic Trade Industry Management Office. Li Qinghua introduced that at 13: 30, the Air Force transport plane landed safely at Nanchang Airport and handed over 1 million candles to Jiangxi Province. They will deliver the candles to Nanchang, Ganzhou and Jiujiang in the first time, and then the local authorities will "express" them to thousands of households.

  At 14: 15 on the 6th, the author was informed that, in order to help the disaster-stricken areas to resume communication, so that the people in the disaster-stricken areas can listen to greetings from distant relatives on New Year’s Eve, the Air Force transport aircraft unit also took off from a military airport of the Air Force on February 5th, and flew to Harbin, Shenyang and Hohhot after more than 6,000 kilometers of air flight, loading three emergency communication vehicles supported by the local government and airlifting them to Wuhan and Guiyang. This was the first batch of communication equipment airlifted to the disaster-stricken areas.

  A group army aviation regiment of Guangzhou Military Region delivers new year’s goods for "snow island"

  Guilin, Feb. 6 (Zhang Kejin, special correspondent of Su Fei, Zhong Youguo) At 9: 00 a.m. on Feb. 6, Guilin Liangjiang International Airport, three military transport helicopters of a group army aviation regiment in Guangzhou Military Region were ready to go.

  With the command of the tower, under the leadership of Song Danmin, deputy head of the regiment, three iron eagles took off with a large number of relief supplies, and reporters went at random.

  The destination of this trip is Chetian Township, Ziyuan County. The continuous snowfall since mid-January has turned this place into a "snow island". As the year is approaching, the villagers are short of food, oil and warm clothes, and their normal life is seriously threatened.

  After receiving the task, You Haitao, the commander of the group army, and Yue Shixin, the political commissar, made careful plans and decisively decided to implement airdrop replenishment.

  The reporter saw that the helicopter was carrying bundles of cotton quilts, boxes of instant noodles, meat, fish, cooking oil, etc., mainly for the new year’s goods purchased by governments at all levels for the victims.

  After more than an hour, the plane entered the territory of Chetian Township. At this time, the weather is getting worse and worse, the clouds are getting thicker and thicker, and the cabin is blurred. This can make the comrades of the crew make a mistake, and victory is in sight. If we return here, the work done in front will fall short. Everyone was unwilling to fail. They lowered their flying height again and again, and repeatedly searched for the launching point.

  After several searches, the airdrop field at the top of the mountain finally caught everyone’s eye, and the villagers had already stood there looking forward to it. The helicopter lowered its nose and flew to the airdrop point. Two minutes later, the helicopter hovered 5 meters above the airdrop point. Pilots and mechanics in the back cabin forcibly opened the hatch and pushed bundles of relief supplies out of the cabin.

  Comrades of the crew told reporters that we should strive for more flights today so that the affected people can have a happy year. The reporter looked down and saw the cheering people on the ground waving their thanks to the plane.

  Longyan detachment of armed police received a new task.

  Longyan, Fujian, February 6 (Ye Hailian) On the New Year’s Eve, officers and men of the Longyan detachment of the Armed Police have hung up red lanterns to prepare for the arrival of New Year’s Eve.

  At 12 noon, Longyan municipal government called, and Changting, Shanghang and Wuping counties were affected by freezing rain, resulting in a large-scale power outage and power shortage, and more than 16,000 households could not supply electricity normally, requiring the detachment to quickly send officers and men to assist the Municipal Electric Power Bureau in power repair.

  "The people need us to go!" Without saying a word, more than 200 officers and men packed their bags and rushed to the front line of disaster relief. Most of them were recruits who had just joined the army for less than two months, and the training task for recruits had just completed one third. For them, the task in this special period was difficult.

  In Changting County, which suffered the most, more than 100 officers and men were divided into 8 groups, which were responsible for the emergency repair of power from Niu Ling, the ancient town of Changting County, to Qingshan Village for more than 15 kilometers. In order to carry the new electric poles up the mountain, their first task is to clear a walking road. The trees on the mountain have been covered with ice for a long time, and they have been broken into pieces, and they are everywhere. The original path has long since disappeared, so the officers and men can only open the way again.

  A small broken wood can be sawed in a few seconds, because it is covered with a thick layer of ice, and it will take several minutes to clean it up. The splashing smoothies splashed all over the officers and men’s faces, and when they were warm, they melted into their clothes, with sweat in them, emitting clouds of hot air. Some officers and men’s hats were frozen with icicles nearly a centimeter long.

  In the face of difficulties, officers and men can’t care that today is New Year’s Eve. Lin Yiguang, the political commissar of the detachment, and Lin Zhongmin, the deputy detachment leader, have arrived at the army from different places with their new year’s goods, and are preparing to celebrate the festival with their husbands, but they did not expect to be empty. The soldier Huang Dechen’s hometown is in Changting County, less than 5 minutes away from the army camp. In order to fight the disaster, he even dared not call home. No one among the new soldiers dares to mention that today is the New Year’s Eve, because they are all away from their hometown for the first time, and they are the darling of their parents. They are afraid that mentioning the Spring Festival will make them homesick and cry, and they are afraid that the disaster relief work will be affected.

  With the full efforts of the employees and officers and men of the electric utility company, the city has cleared about 8 kilometers of uphill roads, newly erected 15 electric poles, and repaired more than 1,000 meters of lines. More than 15,000 households have obtained basic lighting electricity, and all tasks are expected to be completed on the seventh day of the first month. More than 200 officers and men of the Armed Police will continue to fight against disasters until the line is completely back to normal.

  A certain unit of the Second Artillery Corps made the masses watch the Spring Festival Evening.

  Wan ‘an, Jiangxi, February 6 (Cao Fan) February 6 is the New Year’s Eve. The officers and men of a certain unit of the Second Artillery Corps have been working all day for the homes of the affected people in Jiangxi to light up as soon as possible!

  After receiving the order at 4 am on February 4, this unit immediately dispatched and rushed to the disaster relief site more than 200 kilometers away. The task they face is: to send the components of transmission towers (four in total) to the top of the mountain, and to climb five mountains as far as possible.

  Due to the blizzard, the original road on the mountain could not be found. After the troops arrived, they first used sickles and shovels to open a road. It is not easy to carry heavy steel from the winding mountain road to the top of the mountain when it rains and there are avalanches and stones falling overhead from time to time, let alone under such conditions. In order to save time, the officers and men are reluctant to go back to the temporary station for lunch, and they all eat the box lunch sent up the mountain on the spot.

  The author suddenly heard a scream when interviewed on the spot. It turned out that a soldier fell on the road and the steel plate was pressed on him. The author asked him why he carried two steel plates. He said that he had great strength, and one came too far, which was a waste of time. He carried two steel plates at a time and tried to make people use electricity as soon as possible.

  Because the local power supply has not been restored, on New Year’s Eve, the army sent a cultural car with its own electricity and a big screen TV to broadcast TV in Xingguo Square in Xingguo County, and more than 3,000 people watched the Spring Festival Gala.

Editor: Li Dan

Differences and Repetition of Five Beauty Brands’ Cross-border Going to Sea

Image source @ vision china

Text | Hugo Cross-border, Author | Dong Xinyi You Minfang

Domestic beauty brands have gone to sea, and now there is another "grassland" for planting grass.

According to late LatePost, in early 2020, ByteDance launched a product Lemon8 similar to Little Red Book in Japan. This product, which is defined as "community of interest in planting grass" in ByteDance, has been downloaded more than one million times, and it has begun to expand to Southeast Asian markets such as Thailand when the number of daily users is far lower than this.

If we carefully observe the label of Lemon8-"Community of Interest in Planting Grass", we can naturally think of the grand occasion of many domestic beauty brands "brushing the screen" on Little Red Book in recent years.

In fact, there are already domestic beauty brands that have registered official accounts on Lemon8.For example, in the case that the official account of Ke Laqi COLORKEY has not published the promotion content and 0 likes, the topic concern of COLORKEY has exceeded 2K.

Discussion on COLORKEY related topics on Lemon8 Source @Lemon8

Unintentionally inserted willows into the shade. Even some domestic beauty brands have not yet opened the official account of Lemon8, and they have already gained a lot of topic attention, and they are not very "out of the circle" brands such as Perfect Diary and Hua Xizi.

On Lemon8, the related topics of brands such as Feiluer FOCALLURE, Zise ZEESEA, and Flower Know Flower Know all have good attention, among which ZEESEA’s topic attention is particularly gratifying, with 69.9K.

Discussion on ZEESEA related topics on Lemon8 Source @Lemon8

This kind of relatively natural traffic also shows that these domestic beauty brands have been quite influential in overseas markets.According to the data released by the General Administration of Customs of China, the export value of beauty cosmetics and toiletries in China reached US$ 4.852 billion in 2021, with a year-on-year growth rate of 14.4%, which still maintained a strong growth.

Behind the domestic beauty brands getting together, Lemon8 is just a new springboard. So, how are these beauty brands going out to sea?

This paper will analyze five relatively emerging beauty brands, Feiluer, Zise, Tangduo, Huazhi and Ke Laqi, in an attempt to find out the differences and commonness of their brands.

The soldiers and horses have not moved, food and grass come first, and social media marketing is the "ration" for the growth of beauty brands.There are huge differences in the sound volume of different domestic beauty brands and different social media overseas. To some extent, this difference has also accelerated the differentiation of these brands’ going to sea.

By counting the fans’ attention of five domestic beauty brands on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube and Facebook. It can be found that these beauty brands have trade-offs in the choice of marketing channels.

Source @ Official of major overseas social media of all brands, as of March 27th, 2022.

Note: K stands for thousands and M stands for millions.

As the earliest brand among the five domestic beauty brands, Feiluer has gained more than 1 million fans in terms of the number of TikTok fans.Instagram and Facebook are its "second base areas", with 86,000 and 33,460 fans respectively, and they choose to strategically abandon Twitter and YouTube.

Zise’s "base camp" is on Instagram, with 128,000 fans. The interactive data is considerable, and the content of the comments is basically around the topics related to products such as color and product design. In addition, Twitter has more than 30,000 fans. In contrast, its TikTok has only more than 5,800 fans, which is a little thin. Fortunately, there is an external link on the homepage to place independent stations, which can directly jump to its independent stations.

Zise TikTok homepage image source @TikTok

Among the five brands, Juduo is a player with relatively weak social media layout.Its Instagram has more than 9,200 fans, while the layout of other social media has either not opened an official account or seems to be "paddling". However, the outer chain of Tangduo TikTok can switch to its six Shopee sites and Tmall.

Image source @ 京京京京京京京 online store

Hua Zhi is the only brand with "omni-channel" layout of social media, but it still focuses on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok, and the situation in Ke Laqi is similar.

CMO Sara, a Polaroid company that is responsible for exporting domestic beauty brands to Japan, once said that in terms of traffic conversion, the interaction rate of TikTok platform is as high as 5 to 18 times compared with Twitter, and the current conversion volume can reach 3% to 7%. [1]

The biggest commonality of these five brands is that almost all choose to give up YouTube strategically. The logic behind it is also well understood, just as few beauty brands in China are willing to invest a lot of energy and time in Youku. The fast-paced UCG (user-generated content) platform is often more popular with beauty brands, and it is easier to "plant grass".

In the choice of sea market, Southeast Asia market is the standard of these five brands.According to the latest market trend report of Mintel, a research and consulting company, Southeast Asia has been listed as the "future market" for the global cosmetics industry. It is estimated that by 2025, its market size will exceed 300 billion US dollars, with the growth potential of Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand reaching more than 120%.

Except for Tangduo, almost all the other four brands chose Japan. In addition, Zise also laid out the American market.Generally speaking, the sales channels and playing methods of various brands are quite different.

In the aspect of Amazon site layout, Feiluer, Zise and Ke Laqi all have flagship stores of decorative brands in Amazon Japanese station, and all of them put in advertisements in the station. Hua knows that there is no advertisement in the station, and there is no brand flagship store. The orange flower has not settled in Amazon Japan Station.

Zi Se, Fei Luer, Ke Laqi’s Japan Amazon Flagship Store Page Source @ Amazon Japan Station

In addition, all five brands have settled in Shopee.It is worth mentioning that Feiluer’s millions of TikTok fan accounts are directly linked to Lazada, Whatsapp and Shopee through Linktree (a simple social marketing tool).

In terms of the layout of independent stations, the performance of the five brands is different.He Gu, the founder of ZBANX, vividly described the independent station in a cross-border interview with Hugo. "The independent station is an island, so don’t go to the island easily without fishing ability."

Tangduo is the most cautious of the five brands, and there is no independent station.Hua Zhi and Ke Laqi launched independent stations in Japan, and made a series of optimization for Japan. The homepage of Feiluer Independent Station mainly promotes the chameleon liquid eyeliner and supports payment in five currencies. Every order over $49 will be mailed nationwide, which is about the price of four liquid eyeliner pens.

Among the independent stations of four brands, the only brand with a total visit of more than 50,000 in February 2022 was Zise. According to Similarweb data, the number of visits to zeeseacosmetics.com in February 2022 was 52,000, which was 39.99% lower than that in January, and the average visit duration was 1 minute and 49 seconds.

Zise Independent Station Traffic Data Source @Similarweb

According to the specific data, the bounce rate of Zise Independent Station is 67.94%, which is much higher than the bounce rate of SHEGLAM, a beauty independent station owned by SHEIN, which is 31.12%, and the total number of visits is about one third of that of SHEGLAM31.12% 44.04% of the traffic on the PC side of Zise Independent Station comes from searching, and 33.07% comes from directly inputting the website of the independent station. Google Trends data shows that Feiluer and Zise have been ahead of the other three brands in the popularity of Google web search in the past 12 months.

In the past 12 months, the popularity of five beauty brands in Google’s web search data source @GoogleTrends

In terms of offline channels, Zise has settled in nearly 2,000 stores in Matsumoto Kiyoshi, Japan, and basically completed the closed-loop sales of online and offline channels. "When we entered Japanese social media for online marketing, Matsumoto Kiyoshi noticed us. Later, they took the initiative to find us to cooperate. It took us only one month to establish a long-term cooperative relationship, which is the fastest among non-Japanese brands."

He Jicai, director of Zise Marketing, once strongly valued the overseas offline market [2]. "Regardless of Japan or Europe and America, the offline proportion accounts for about 80%, and the e-commerce account for only 20%. Offline is a very big market. In Europe, we expect to enter offline Europe and North America at the end of the year, which will be our key markets. "

The positioning and origin of a beauty brand will greatly affect the brand’s products and supply chain, sales channels and promotion methods. After the brand successfully passed the stage from 0 to 1, these factors will interact with each other in the rapid growth stage, and together form a positive growth Mobius ring.

Most domestic beauty brands, such as Zise, Tangduo, Huazhi and Ke Laqi, started in the domestic market and then radiated overseas markets. On the contrary, Feiluer, who started as a foreign trade factory, is one of the earliest cross-border beauty sellers in China.

In the supply chain, all five brands adopt the mode of outsourcing.In the beauty industry chain, the gross profit margin of brands is the highest, reaching 60%-80%. According to the data of the National Cosmetics Record Network, among the five brands’ foundries, there are many three foundries that cooperate with Perfect Diary-Kosmeishi, Yingteli and Shanghai Zhenchen. [3] Many first-line brands at home and abroad are also partners of these three cosmetic foundries.

Data Source @ National Cosmetics Filing Network

Fang Xing, the co-founder of Feiluer, once introduced the growth path of the brand when interviewed by the media [4].

"In 2013, an export trading company in the cosmetics category was established, which was developed abroad in the form of cross-border e-commerce, but at that time it was only a simple supply chain export and product export; After accumulating a mature supply chain and experience in OEM with overseas brands, we created our own brand-Feiluer in 2016. With Haitao, a girl from China, bringing her brand back to China, Feiluer opened Taobao and Tmall stores for the domestic market. At present, the company has gained a firm foothold in many cosmetic brand categories. ".

In terms of the user portrait of Feiluer, Fang Xing said, "The early users of Feiluer are students and a new generation of white-collar workers. With the common growth of users and brands, brand labels change accordingly. In terms of price, pricing has risen, from the early 39 yuan/plate to 79 yuan/plate; User positioning: With the user’s age upgrading, it will be extended to married people. "

This growth path and user positioning make the portrait of Feiluer’s users in the domestic market very clear, and "student money" is still the third place in the keyword relevance of its Tik Tok content.The label related to "student" did not appear in the top ten of the content keywords of the other four brands.

Feiluer’s Tik Tok Content Keyword Relevance Ranking Data Source @ Huge Arithmetic

Note: The data are taken from the analysis based on Tik Tok’s content in a huge amount of calculation, and the data is taken from March 14th to March 20th, 2022.

If we further focus on the portraits of "potential users" of various brands by age dimension.It can be found that the user portraits of these five brands in the domestic market are relatively "young". Especially under the background of Saint Laurent, this difference is closely related to product pricing and comprehensive tonality of brands.

Data Source @ Massive Calculation/Cartography @ Hugo Cross-border

Note: The data are taken from the analysis based on Tik Tok’s content in a huge amount of calculation, and the data is taken from March 14th to March 20th, 2022.

According to a huge amount of data, among the "potential users" known by Hua, the proportion of people aged 18-23 is as high as 55.76%, ranking first among six brands including Saint Laurent.

According to Yang Zifeng, co-founder of Hua Zhi, 15-25 years old is the user age range of Hua Zhi, accounting for 70%; Users aged 25-35 may account for about 30% [5]. "The reason why there are different age gradients is because women have a girl’s heart more or less."From this perspective, the brand positioning, product form and user portrait that Hua knows have become a whole.

Smell reason like enlightenment, and you will be lost when you meet the situation. In the era when traffic is king, many people try to explore the law of growth once and for all. However, the growth path of each brand is closely related to the industry environment, brand strategy and cash flow at that time.

From 2016 to 2021, the important conditions for the rise of emerging beauty brands in the domestic market are the rapid increase of e-commerce penetration and the prosperity of the "planting grass" platform. Fang Xing said, "At that time, the ratio of skin care and beauty makeup abroad was 3:7, while that in China was just the opposite. Before 2018, there was basically no concept of makeup. Until 2020, the volume of makeup was less than half compared with skin care, so the ceiling of the industry was very high. "

Now, for relatively mature domestic beauty brands, it may be a good choice to spread the "seeds" to the whole world instead of continuing to "roll in" at home.


  • Jumeili | Jumeili | Brand accelerates to go to sea, and C-Beauty goes to the world.
  • Bright company | Beauty brand Zise’s decision to go to sea in Japan Small logic: Domestic content marketing going to sea is a blow to dimensionality reduction.
  • Growth black box | 12000 words Comprehensive interpretation of the perfect diary: from organizational structure to growth strategy
  • Graffiti Finance | Fei Luer Co-founder: The ceiling of the makeup industry is high, but the ceiling of the company may be very low
  • National business daily | Building a differentiated barrier to beauty. Knowing the founder: Original design is the core competitiveness

This "talent" is healthy: creating a "15-minute medical circle"

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For many chronic patients and the elderly, family doctors can provide them with sustainable and convenient medical services. How to better play the role of family doctors as health gatekeepers and better serve the masses? How to solve the problem that people are difficult and far away from seeing a doctor through the reform of public hospitals and the construction of medical associations? With the concerns of the masses, the reporter went to Xiangtan City, Hunan Province, a national public hospital reform and high-quality development demonstration project city, and conducted an investigation.

  (As a national public hospital reform and high-quality development demonstration project city, Xiangtan City has continuously deepened the reform of medical and health system and promoted graded diagnosis and treatment)

In recent years, Xiangtan City has promoted the high-quality development of public hospitals, vigorously developed the contract service between medical associations and family doctors, created a "15-minute medical circle" for the masses to facilitate medical treatment, and opened up the "last mile" of primary medical services, so that ordinary people can get medical treatment at their doorstep.

  (Tang Wenjing, Party Secretary and Director of Xiangtan Health and Health Commission, introduced the medical reform in Xiangtan)

As a national public hospital reform and high-quality development demonstration project city, Xiangtan has made some achievements in deepening the reform of medical and health system and promoting the construction of graded diagnosis and treatment. Tang Wenjing, secretary and director of the Party Committee of Xiangtan Health and Health Commission, told the reporter that Xiangtan City explored the construction of a close medical association, and Xiangtan Central Hospital took the lead in establishing Xiangtan City Medical Group, optimizing the reform of medical supply side, promoting the sharing of resources within the medical group and promoting the development of graded diagnosis and treatment.

  (Family doctors in Xiangtan provide diagnosis and treatment services for patients)

At present, 67 primary medical institutions in Xiangtan have formed a close medical association with hospitals above the second level. Xiangtan City has built a new medical and health service system with reasonable layout and linkage from top to bottom to facilitate the masses to see a doctor. At the county level, Xiangtan actively promoted the pilot project of national compact county medical community. Full coverage of imaging diagnosis and remote consultation of difficult cases in the medical community, promoting the graded diagnosis and treatment system of primary diagnosis, two-way referral, rapid and slow division and treatment, and linkage up and down.

The reporter learned that in the city medical group, patients at the grass-roots level do not need to repeat the examination, and the examination results at the grass-roots level can be uploaded to the higher-level hospitals in time through the information platform, avoiding patients from running more.

In order to make it more convenient for people to see a doctor, Xiangtan City has set up 453 teams of family doctors, each team including general practitioners, nursing staff, medical experts, etc., and the team of family doctors has sunk into 1269 community grids to create a "home-front" hospital for the people.

(Reporter interviewed at the ECG Sharing Center of Xiangtan City Medical Group)

"Through information technology, solve the problem of difficult medical treatment." Tang Wenjing said that Xiangtan has built a smart medical and health service system, established a national health information platform, promoted the horizontal interoperability of four types of information platforms: hospital management, primary health care, disease control platform, and maternal and child system, provided digital medical services such as "one card" for convenient medical treatment, and built a new mechanism integrating prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and management, so that people can enjoy more convenient health services. At present, the signing rate of key groups such as the elderly, children and patients with chronic diseases in Xiangtan City is nearly 80%.

In recent years, Xiangtan City has taken the opportunity of implementing the national public hospital reform and high-quality development demonstration project to continuously deepen the reform of the medical and health system and promote the coordinated development of medical insurance, medical care and medicine. At present, Xiangtan city has basically realized the pattern of "headache and fever are solved in the countryside, common diseases are not out of the county, and difficult diseases are not out of the city".

Reporter: Shuai Cai, Cheng Ji ‘an, Dai Bin

Correspondent: Xue Gangyue, Wu Hao, Su Yanmin, Peng Qiuxiang.

Photography: Fu Xin Peng Shuixiu Yao Jiacheng

Later period: Yao Jiacheng and Wang Binyuan

Acknowledgement: Hunan Provincial Health and Wellness Committee

Xiangtan health and health commission

Xiangtan Central Hospital

Active medical sound

Xinhua News Agency Hunan Branch Shuaicai Studio Production

Concept of artificial intelligence: These five leading "artificial intelligence" industries are expected to usher in high growth in the future.

With the progress of the times and the improvement of various infrastructures,Artificial intelligence has also been frequently used in people’s daily life, and it has entered our life field with an irresistible trend, and there has been a trend of blending.In the future, the role and influence of artificial intelligence will be greater and greater.

First, the emergence of artificial intelligence is bound to bring human culture to a higher field. It can be used not only in our study, transportation, shopping and life, but also in some medical industries to perform some high-precision operations, which greatly reduces the error rate, ensures the safety of patients, and plays an important role in promoting social harmony and enhancing residents’ sense of happiness and security.

Second, China’s artificial intelligence related technologies were introduced relatively late compared with other countries.However, the momentum of development is very fierce, and the acceptance of consumers is generally high, especially in recent years.Many consumers pay special attention to the development of domestic artificial intelligence, so the society has a high degree of fault tolerance for products in this area, and the policy inclination is very obvious in the field of science and technology, which has injected vitality into the development of enterprises and provided support.

Third, China’s artificial intelligence is relatively not in a leading position. Most artificial intelligence products are only used in daily life, such as sweeping robots and chatting robots. Most of these intelligent products are relatively primary and their communication is very modular. However, some intelligent products with relatively non-modular communication are too expensive to be widely used by the society. China is currently strengthening and improving in this regard.

The total share capital is 303 million, the total market value is 3.003 billion, and the circulating A shares are 298 million.

At present, the company has mastered the key technologies such as artificial intelligence chips, focusing on smart wear and intelligent digital monitoring, which can meet the needs of smart pension and smart home.

The total share capital is 770 million, the total market value is 3.936 billion, and the circulating A shares are 669 million.

The company’s artificial intelligence business department will strengthen the market promotion of intelligent terminal products, develop the high-end market in the field of big health, and focus on intelligent nursing beds, which will be applied to nursing homes and hospitals.

The total share capital is 2.86 billion, the total market value is 78.967 billion, and the circulating A shares are 2.86 billion.

The company is a leading domestic intelligent robot development and sales enterprise in China, and has established long-term cooperation with many universities and scientific research institutes, and is an industry expert in artificial intelligence and speech recognition. The company’s products cover preschool robots and elderly companion robots.

The total share capital is 1.588 billion, the total market value is 15.304 billion, and the circulating A shares are 1.462 billion.

The company has many years of technical accumulation and rich products in the field of artificial intelligence. The company’s artificial intelligence products include AI robots, RPA robots and intelligent hardware robots. Its RPA robots are mainly used in many business fields such as finance, electricity price and daily office, and intelligent hardware robots include intelligent reimbursement machines and billing machines.

The total share capital is 794 million, the total market value is 18.715 billion, and the circulating A shares are 793 million.

The company is not only an advanced supplier of artificial intelligence with independent and important technologies in China, but also a leading enterprise of semantic intelligence technology in China. The main technical goal in the field of artificial intelligence is semantic intelligence, which is a cognitive intelligence technology based on semantic understanding.

Qin Chuangyuan Energy Jintong District Science and Technology Small and Micro Enterprise Tour Explore Information Technology Application New Scene

Qin Chuangyuan is the main platform for the innovation driving development in Shaanxi Province. It is a new highland of science and technology innovation and is the source of innovative driving development. Should shoulders to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, build a common technological research and development platform, and realize the development of school-based school enterprises, innovative talents education, and promote the depth of political research and research.

The energy Jinjiao area is closely surrounding the construction goals of Qin Chuanggen in Xixian New District, take the initiative to build the target, active as a strong, and strive to create Qin Chuanggen innovative drive platform total window central business support area. The increasingly perfect space carrier and supporting construction of the park attracted a large number of high-quality enterprises.

Present in this issue

Qin Chuangyuan Energy Jintiao District

Science and technology micro enterprise tour

Take everyone to meet four

Enterprises engaged in information technology related applications

1. Shaanxi Yisi Intelligent Measurement Co., Ltd.

Shaanxi Yisi Intelligent Measurement and Control Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise focused on automated measurement and control field. It is committed to automated measurement and control system, high-voltage / ultra-high-speed electronic load, high-precision sensor, visual automation detection and image recognition, simulation test platform, numerical Product R & D, production and sales in the field of biological technology; providing intelligent machinery, electricity, control, soft integrated solutions for high-end manufacturing users. At present, products have been widely used in aerospace, energy, environmental monitoring, intelligent laboratory and other industries. The company has 5 utility model patents, 1 appearance patent and 8 computer software copyrights.

2, Xi’an Spoon Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

Xi’an Spoon Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise integrating R & D, production and sales. Spoon Technology has a strong R & D team that integrates the depth of each technical sector, close to the industry demand, and gradually forms the three special technical sections of GIS + Internet of Things, AI, XR.

The company is based on the geographic information platform with independent intellectual property, integrated the Internet, Beidou / 4G / 5G, artificial intelligence and other technology, information, intelligent management, intelligent management, intelligent management It provides powerful support. Relying on the contemporary new research results, in terms of project segmentation, target detection, long sequence data analysis in terms of project segmentation, target detection, long sequence data analysis, has been initially achieved, and the application is consolidated for subsequent AI industry applications. . At the same time, XR technology is applied to tourism experience, construction teaching and multi-field training, has achieved remarkable results, and innovatively integrates XR technology with unmanned flight platforms, and created a unique tourism experience.

3, Shaanxi Song Yiyun Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Shaanxi Song Yiyun Information Technology Co., Ltd. was established in May 2021, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shaanxi Songyi Software Development Co., Ltd. The company is integrated into government-owned management and aerospace products through the Internet and block chains and large data technology. It is a professional, strong technical force, intelligent information service provider. Mainly provide information system integration services, large data services; network and information security software development, data processing services, artificial intelligence application software development, artificial intelligence public data platform, satellite technology integration system integration, etc.

4, Xi’an Orange Space Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Xi’an Orange Space Information Technology Co., Ltd. is a dedicated to providing users with multi-scale electronic map data production, BIM, laser point cloud scanning and three-dimensional modeling, geographic information system development and application, CIM and digital twin urban application and other surveying and mapping geographic information High-tech technology enterprises in technical services. The company focuses on the field of smart urban spatial information construction, comprehensive use of multi-source geographic information technology and data, and in-depth development of panoramic holographic geographic information data applications. In smart cities, municipal facilities, underground space, accident emergency management (natural disaster and urban security, etc.), mine, cultural heritage protection, urban monitoring and architectural design, etc., provide multi-faceted three-dimensional modeling service, meeting Multi-industry multi-dimensional time and space information data needs.

Energy Jintiao will continue to surround

Qin Chuanggencino Drive Platform Total Window

Central Business Support Area Construction Target

Guide all kinds of innovation elements to aggregate to technology companies

Continuously enhance corporate technology innovation capabilities and core competitiveness

Source: Sina Shaanxi

Editor: Guo Yingxia