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Overworking is normal. How many people know the bitterness behind online celebrity anchor?

In the "online celebrity" incubator base of an e-commerce company in Taiyuan, Shanxi, the female anchor shows the products live for e-commerce companies. China News Service reporter Wei Liang photo

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 18th Title: online celebrity Anchor: How many people know the bitterness behind it?

  Xinhua News Agency "China Net" reporter Jun Chen Tang Yang

  A few days ago, a 20-year-old online celebrity game anchor died suddenly at work, which was regrettable and sad. This also makes people turn their attention to the practitioners of this new profession again. What is their living condition? How much do you know about this group besides the high salary as reported in some reports?

  Sun Xiaoting, a 20-year-old junior, began to try to be a network anchor in March this year, and now she can be said to be a "online celebrity" in the standard sense. Cangyan photo

  Overload work is the norm.

  In 2015, 27-year-old Zhang Jun (pseudonym) founded a women’s game team in Hefei, Anhui Province with her personal interest. At the peak, there were 11 players in the team, mainly relying on sponsorship, participating in Shang Yan, live broadcasts and competitions to earn bonuses to achieve profit.

  "The players are basically post-95 s. When recruiting, they are required to have the game foundation of League of Legends and play training matches every day. The basic salary for one month is around 4,000 yuan. " Zhang Jun said.

  Although the idea is good, it is not ideal in practice. "In terms of traffic, the women’s team is not as good as the men’s team and cannot generate stable cash profits." Zhang Jun calculated the account for the reporter. "Coupled with rent, water and electricity, internet fees, personnel salaries, travel expenses, etc., the monthly operating cost is about 50,000 yuan. Even if it is profitable, it is often impossible to guarantee personnel salaries." He said helplessly.

  Wu Wenjie, the anchor of Betta online celebrity, said that at present, the mainstream live broadcast platforms are divided into three categories: entertainment, video games and vertical. All the anchors you see have gained fans after working for a long time and accumulating popularity. "On average, they broadcast live for more than 15 hours a day, and the live content has to be constantly innovated. Some outdoor anchors have to go to different cities, do different experiences, and have good physical strength." She said.

  Some senior players said that some game anchors, although playing games every day, basically put the live broadcast time in the evening, upside down day and night. If they want to be concerned by more people, they need to make a breakthrough in technology.

  It is understood that the sudden death of the network anchor "Lonely King", from July this year, almost every night from 12 o’clock to 9 o’clock the next morning. The day and night life has been reversed for several months, and the body has been overdrawn for a long time, which led to this tragedy.

  At present, the live broadcast platform where "Lone King" is located has issued a notice. In order to ensure the health of the anchor, the platform has rectified the entire anchor mechanism, giving manual reminders to the overloaded anchor, and planning to download the seriously overloaded anchor.

  On the evening of November 10th, at the "online celebrity" incubator base of an e-commerce company in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, the female anchor gave a live product presentation for the e-commerce company. China News Service reporter Wei Liang photo

  There are high and low incomes, and live broadcast is just a job.

  Due to the unsatisfactory income situation, after less than two years of persistence, Zhang Jun finally made up its mind to transform. This time, he chose the entertainment live broadcast with relatively stable profit. "Unlike the live broadcast of the game, the income from live entertainment is more from the interactive rewards of online platform tourists." Zhang Jun said.

  Then, for the well-known rewards for anchors such as "brushing rockets" and "sending shark fins", can they get rich overnight? In fact, the gift income of the anchor and the platform are divided, and the anchor who cooperates with the platform will get the corresponding salary and recommended resources on the assessment criteria. In addition, factors such as live broadcast duration and popularity will also become the assessment criteria for the anchor by operators.

  "Entertainment anchors must work at least 4 hours a day, and adopt a salary method of basic salary plus rewards and commissions, of which 30% to 50% of rewards will be used as management expenses and divided into companies." Zhang Jun said.

  With the company gradually stepping into the right track, Zhang Jun has signed more and more anchors, so far he has signed nearly 20 people. "In addition to the basic salary, their monthly income is five or six thousand yuan, and tens of thousands of yuan a month, which mainly depends on how many rewards the anchors get." He said.

  Huang Shengjun, a betta anchor who graduated from Shanghai International Studies University, said that when she graduated from college, she also found a job from nine to five. She usually worked part-time at night to broadcast live broadcasts. After several years, her fans reached more than three million, and finally decided to broadcast live broadcasts full-time. "The income is not as high as everyone thinks. For me, live broadcast is also a job." She said.

  The reporter’s investigation found that although full-time anchors may be able to meet the expected requirements in income, the income of most part-time anchors is not high. Many people want to share and exchange their lives through the live broadcast platform, or introduce their products through the platform, etc. Different anchors have different demands.

  It’s even harder to be online celebrity.

  During the interview, many online celebrity anchors were confused and anxious about how to maintain the popularity flow. They said that this was also the reason why some people took risks, skirted the ball and used their brains.

  "Being an entertainment anchor is very stressful, and people who haven’t done it can’t actually understand it. Because it is a live broadcast, the anchor should always be in a state under the fill light and in front of the camera, and the outdoor anchor has to interact with tourists. " Zhang Jun said.

  In his view, although the income from signing an entertainment anchor is acceptable, this profession is not suitable for many people. "After the dissolution of my game team, the players either chose to jump ship to other game teams, or simply switched to other occupations. No one chose to be an entertainment anchor." Zhang Jun told reporters.

  Wu Wenjie, on the other hand, thinks that as long as the female anchor looks good, singing and dancing can attract people’s attention. "After all, the same face, the same talent, if you watch more, you will have aesthetic fatigue. Only by constantly innovating in live content and expression can you give people a refreshing feeling, which will be stressful." She said.

  "In everyone’s eyes, the anchor just sings and chats. In fact, it is broadcast live for three hours, and it takes six hours to prepare behind it, and it is necessary to keep learning new skills." Huang Shengjun said that he was also very anxious. As new people kept joining, the old people were under pressure and would be eliminated at any time.

  The reporter noted that compared with the uneven state of the anchor industry in the past, the Internet live broadcast platform is gradually becoming standardized in recent years. For example, DouYu adopted the method of technical defense and civil air defense, screened out unqualified live broadcast rooms through keyword screening technology, yellow identification software and voice recognition software, and began to go offline and hold "Carnival" and other activities.

  In addition, some platforms have also begun to transform into diversified integrated live broadcast platforms, and subdivision directions such as education, finance, e-commerce, sports, socialization and food have emerged one after another.

  "The audience of the live broadcast is mainly young people, so the anchors can only be popular for a long time if they create products that young people like." Wu Wenjie said.

How to break "hot search anxiety"? Netcom Office issued a document to stop malicious marketing.

Special feature of 1905 film network Have you ever had such an experience in the process of catching up with film and television works — — Open the social software, the characters in the play seem to live on the hot search list for 24 hours, and every move of each character can come up with a topic that attracts countless discussions; Brush a short video, one group of people is breaking through the defense in the cinema because of this detail, and another group of people is beginning to think about a certain bridge in the play … …

One-pass operation is as fierce as a tiger, and these bombing marketing makes many works naturally become the "explosion" of the opening year/season in the eyes of netizens. However, under the tropic of cancer, many of these so-called "hot" film and television works "have no such drama" among the audience.

Why is there such a puzzling "contrast" Not long ago, People’s Daily and Guangming Daily successively issued articles criticizing the excessive pursuit of flow effect in the marketing of some film and television works, and the publicity stunt runs counter to the quality of content, even destroying the film and television industry environment in which the audience objectively and rationally perceives art, and causing serious damage to literary and artistic creation.

# Over-marketing can’t win the hearts of the audience # The topic immediately went to the top of the hot search list, and commented at the bottom of the article. Many "long-cherished" viewers left messages denouncing the influence of over-marketing on the feeling of chasing dramas, and many even directly pointed out the works and stars suspected of "over-marketing" in their eyes.

It is true that the fierce competition makes it inevitable for the drama side to be "drunk and afraid of the deep alley." However, nowadays, the escalating marketing means has not only helped the industry to explode, but also exposed more and more problems. What is marketing, what is "excessive marketing", and why does the industry need to grasp this "degree"? Through investigation, we found that superficial marketing chaos such as hot search and list brushing, water army control and evaluation are bringing deeper hidden dangers and harm to film and television creation.

24-hour "stalking" of the whole network, planting stalks and burying lines in the preparation period of the script

Film and television practitioners suffer from "anxiety" of hot search and out of the circle.

According to the "nomination" of netizens under the topic # Over-marketing won’t win the audience’s heart #, we have verified the marketing data of several film and television dramas: during the broadcast period, the number of hot searches of an online drama that was rated as "more hot searches can play cards" reached 1,300+,of which Weibo platform alone exceeded 800. Calculated, this 15-episode film and television drama has about 90 hot searches on the whole network, and the proportion is really amazing.

Another artist whose name appears frequently, whose recent hit works are also frequently searched on the list. According to incomplete statistics, the number of single-platform hot searches for this series has exceeded 300 in about two weeks. Of course, we also found the data of several "hot search regulars" in the same period of the show, and the hot search volume of the whole network has reached a similar level.

"Overmarketing" or "Really Out of Circle"? Naturally, it is impossible to jump to conclusions only by the number of hot searches. In the same comment area, netizens also had a heated discussion around whether the drama XX and XX really "exploded". Some people think that if the drama has a good reputation, it is understandable to make more efforts to promote it, but more voices immediately refute: this is not the reason why the starring actor creates a topic to brush the list with a little trouble!

It is not difficult to see that excessive marketing is making some works lose their popularity. But why are most drama parties still eager for this?

As one of the "hot searches" in others’ eyes, Ms. Wang, who is engaged in film and television marketing, bluntly said to us: "Sometimes I hope this marketing model will be’ eliminated’ more than anyone else." It is understood that the broadcast cycle of a drama is usually about 3 weeks. The "premiere day" is the most important announcement node of a work. For publicity, this day basically needs to be followed by the whole network 24 hours a day, paying attention to public opinions and topics, keeping up with hot spots in time, and adjusting the announcement rhythm.

However, with the increasing influence of marketing and data on the broadcast volume and investment promotion effect, the "24-hour" that needs to be watched is constantly lengthened in the broadcast cycle. Nowadays, in addition to the marketing plan that has been formulated in the early stage, the publicity department will always pay attention to the discussion of fans and netizens on the Internet, grab the content that has the potential to board the hot search, and then spread it through the topic.

We took the hot search data of the dramas nominated by netizens to Miss Wang, and she admitted that "it is indeed a very high number". However, as a "peer", Ms. Wang also made an analysis from another angle: "This drama is slightly different from other works on the market, because its number of episodes is very short, which means that there is no more time for it to ferment word of mouth during the hit period, so it is also a kind of idea to intensively create topics."

Creating topics to achieve hot search and out-of-the-box content dissemination has now quietly become the "ultimate goal" of some film and television projects. Ms. Wang revealed that in order to facilitate the creation of topics in the subsequent all-media marketing, some dramas have advanced the cycle of planting stalks and burying lines to the project preparation stage: "Now some publicity and marketing parties will start to intervene from the script stage and plan what plots or artists may be hot."

In her view, this seemingly "intentional" marketing is more harmful than the "trivial" topic that disgusted the audience — — The function of creation and publicity is "putting the cart before the horse", but content production serves "going out of the circle" and "hot search": "For example, for a while, it was quite popular for a long time, right? At first glance, they are all golden sentences, which are actually particularly abrupt in the play. " Ms. Wang said that this "strong output" style has been particularly favored by emerging media platforms in the past two years, which is also determined by the preferences of the audience.

Regarding the view that losing the popularity of the road and winning the hearts of the audience, Ms. Wang bluntly said that if "over-marketing" has become a "general trend", most of the authorities will acquiesce in this kind of gameplay: "I feel that it has become an obsession to be out of the circle and hot search, which is the anxiety and heart disease of everyone in the industry. As long as the data that bombing marketing can bring is greater than the so-called lost popularity, then this routine will never be eliminated. "

From "Overmarketing" to "Malicious Marketing"

Brushing the list and controlling the superficial chaos are creating deep harm.

In 2021, during the special rectification of "Clear Rice Circles", we conducted an in-depth investigation on idolize and marketing chaos in artists and fans. Nowadays, the problems exposed in the "over-marketing" of film and television works also tend to be "rice circle", or they have been interdependent and influenced each other for a long time.

Relevant people familiar with the matter introduced to us how some platforms can achieve marketing purposes by purchasing all kinds of data: the drama party can first buy a batch of marketing numbers, usually 5-10 in a group, and publish the same content in a centralized way, attracting users to turn, comment and praise a lot in a short time, and increasing the degree of topic discussion. If the heat fails to meet expectations, the marketing number will also find ways to control and evaluate it. This way, to a certain extent, can affect the platform algorithm and help marketing content get on the hot search. Once on the list, we will continue to spread the "square", buy users to increase original discussions on topics, further consolidate the popularity, and help the content hot search ranking continue to rise.

In addition to the number of hot searches, there are various scoring platforms that need marketing means "public relations". At the end of last year, Douban was once reported as "the water army’s brush quantity control and evaluation before the drama started". Although the platform made a statement at the first time, it also hammered the existence of abnormal scores in the drama evaluation system.

On the 17th of last month, Netcom Office released ten "Clear and Clear" special actions again in 2022, many of which involved the rectification of MCN organization’s content standards, comprehensive management of algorithms, and cracking down on traffic fraud, black public relations, network water army and other marketing-related chaos.

Screenwriters and film critics have always paid close attention to the series of chaos between the entertainment field and the Internet public opinion field in the era of big data. In an exclusive interview with us, he said that the marketing of film and television works, as a means TO C (user-oriented), is a normal business behavior to invest a certain cost in publicity, which is understandable. However, in recent years, especially after the rise of various platforms on the Internet, the purpose of drama marketing has changed from simple TO C to to TO B (enterprise-oriented). Many people use algorithms to manipulate data and increase the online "traffic" of film and television works or artists, thus improving their commercial value in disguise.

On the day of publication, the Central Network Information Office officially took the lead in launching the special action of "Clear 2022 Algorithm Comprehensive Management". Wang Hailin believes that the use of data algorithms to create and chase traffic is the core issue of over-marketing in the film and television industry in recent years. "In the past (due to the purchase and sale mode), people rarely did a lot of publicity and marketing for the series, but now they need it because it has traffic." He revealed that at present, many production companies have to brush their own evaluation on various platforms and scoring websites through marketing, "not only give their own works high marks, but even give other opponents malicious low marks in the competition."

In Wang Hailin’s definition, excessive marketing has developed into a malicious marketing. In order to create traffic, many hot searches are divorced from the content of the play and the acting skills of the stars, which even makes many viewers feel bored and puzzling: "Why do these boring contents have to be searched?" Because they want to keep the heat, this heat can be converted into commercial value. "

However, when over-marketing has long been out of the scope of works propaganda, it has become a new means to create heat and commercial value, and it is bound to trigger more behaviors that do not conform to the norms and even impact the "bottom line" in the industry: "Competitors and traffic people use marketing methods to suppress each other, amplify negative comments, and cause the public opinion environment to deteriorate, which also makes the public’s perception of the film and television industry very negative." Wang Hailin pointed out the deeper influence behind the superficial chaos, such as "brush quantity control and evaluation" and "data falsification".

As a matter of fact, when some playwrights and artists’ brokerage companies that are not properly marketed or even maliciously marketed still use traffic online to guide fans to control and comment, and brush up the list to create gimmicks, truly outstanding works have been "quietly" out of the circle with good stories, good acting skills and good reputation, and really won the audience’s love. Wang Hailin gave us an example. The TV series "In the World", which was popular some time ago, was not widely promoted on the online platform, but both the record-breaking ratings and the high degree of discussion in life proved that the drama was a real "explosion" in 2022.

At present, the special action of Qinglang in 2022 has been rolled out. Although various platforms have been rectified and inspected for related excessive and malicious marketing problems before, it is obviously difficult to achieve tangible results only by their own supervision. Wang Hailin said that malicious marketing works and artists still need to really hit the "sore spot", and those who have caused bad consequences to the industry should be given substantial punishment after investigation. "After last year’s action, some companies, especially traffic brokerage companies, did not see substantial disciplinary measures, but intensified. It is also necessary (relevant departments) to conduct more detailed management of malicious marketing and propose targeted measures. "

In January, 28 Guangdong-made films were put on record and approved by the State Film Bureau.

Text/Entertainment Guangdong Hu Haojie

According to the notice of the National Film Bureau on the filing and project publicity of the national film script (synopsis) in January 2024, there are 247 story films, 12 animated films, 17 documentary films, 15 science and education films and 4 special films.

Among them, a total of 28 films in Guangdong Province were put on record, including 21 feature films, 2 animated films and 5 documentary films.


The information of the films put on record in Guangdong Province is as follows:

Source: Official website of National Film Bureau.

Editor in charge: Zhang Jinzhi

In the international competition, our sniper hit a 5 mm wire 100 meters away to win the championship.

  Bing Wang is conducting sniper training. Photo by Ma Liang

  If you open a column (after winning 90 prizes)

  Some people say that the post-90 s generation is a rebellious generation, while others say that the post-90 s generation is an over-ego generation. Countless facts from military camps have proved that the post-90s soldiers show more bright spots, and many precious qualities belonging to this era shine on them.

  A generation has the characteristics of a generation, and a generation has the elegance of a generation. We should provide a broader space for post-90s soldiers to display their talents, give them a diversified lifestyle and be more tolerant, cheer for their running and applaud their achievements. Perhaps, give the post-90s a sincere encouragement today, and they will give us a brand-new world tomorrow.

  From now on, this newspaper will open a column entitled "Brilliant Post-90s" to introduce a group of post-90s soldiers with vivid stories and touching deeds to readers. Please pay attention.

  100 meters away, how to find a 5 mm thick wire? For ordinary people, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Coupled with a breeze of 5 meters per second, the wires hidden between the treetops swing slightly, making it difficult to find them.

  But in the eyes of snipers, this is a deviation that must be accurately corrected, and the thin line that almost coincides with the scale line in the sight is the target of the first hit.

  In the "Golden Eagle -2016" international special sniper competition held in June this year, only one soldier from China completed such an extreme challenge: it took 17 seconds, one bullet hit a wire 100 meters away and 5 mm thick, and won the first place in the course with absolute advantage.

  This China soldier is Bing Wang, the post-90s platoon leader of a special brigade of the 26th Army. In the seven years since he joined the army, he has won the first class merit once and the third class merit three times. Comrades say that in Bing Wang’s sight, the goal is always "the first".

  Less than 10 months after joining the army, Bing Wang set a record: he participated in the competition of former jinan military area command scouts as a private. At first, comrades-in-arms thought it was a fable: special scouts have a wide range of training courses, including dozens of contents such as confrontation shooting, downhill, fighting and diving. Can recruits do it? But Bing Wang didn’t believe in evil: "I just want to be the first one!"

  From "thinking" to "getting", the key is to "do it". In the training of prone shooting in cold areas, others can’t stand for 30 minutes, and he insists on not getting up for one hour; In the 400-meter obstacle, he took all the links apart and practiced. Every obstacle had to be practiced for nearly a hundred times in a row, just to improve by a few tenths of a second. In the end, Bing Wang got his wish to participate in the tournament, won the first place in the total score with his comrades, and turned the "impossible" into reality with actions.

  Towards the "first" goal, Bing Wang’s military road is getting brighter and brighter: the gold medal of the special forces of the whole army, the 2-star diving badge, the 5-star parachute badge and the 6-star sniper badge. "These special skills badges are gradually upgraded from 1 star to 5 stars, and 6 stars represent the highest honor." Bing Wang said that every star on his chest was earned by his "desperate efforts".

  In 2011, Bing Wang participated in the "Sharp Blade -2011" joint training of Indonesian special forces. For the first time, the joint training team tried the high-risk course of 400-meter base jump. When Bing Wang jumped out of the engine room, the ground observation found that someone else was an umbrella flower, but he was a black spot, falling rapidly in the air.

  "The main umbrella is not open properly, and the umbrella rope is around the top!" At the place, everyone’s heart was in the throats: 400 meters fell at a height, and the whole journey took only about 9 seconds, leaving only two or three seconds for the parachutists to dispose of, which is equivalent to giving half a life to death.

  200 meters, 150 meters … … At the critical moment, Bing Wang pulled open the pull ring of the backup umbrella hand and landed safely after 8 seconds. When the head of the Indonesian military learned that Bing Wang was a post-90 s, he repeatedly praised: "So young, you can be so calm and amazing!"

  Such a life-and-death test, Bing Wang and his comrades have experienced too much. In the eyes of his comrade-in-arms, Asimu Xia, Wang Bing can create miracles again and again, not only because of his firm belief and tenacious will, but also because he is good at summing up and thinking.

  "Bing Wang had little contact with the high-precision sniper rifle used in this sniper competition. At first I was his teacher, but it didn’t take long for him to teach me in turn." Asimu Xia told reporters that Bing Wang was a substitute at the beginning. In order to find out the weapon’s "temper" as soon as possible, he had a pen in his pocket during daytime training and recorded the shooting parameters on the back of his hand after each bullet. Everyone else had a rest at night, and he was still sorting out the data during the day.

  "The plateau air pressure is low, and the resistance of warhead flight is small, so the aiming point should be revised downward accordingly." Open Bing Wang’s notebook, full of all kinds of data and pictures: daily weather, distribution of impact points and experience, performance parameters and weak parts of various sniper rifles … … He took four such notes and marked thousands of impact data.

  This research drive has made Wang Bing more and more outstanding. On the field, he knows thousands of parameters clearly, and he can judge the wind direction and speed in a few seconds, visually observe the distance and high and low angles, and get the correction value. Compared with the measuring instrument, the error is close to zero.

  After returning from the stadium, Bing Wang was not idle. He played back the video of the game several times, carefully analyzed the impact point data of himself and his opponent, and summarized and combed out more than 30 practical experiences around the aspects of accurate weapon calibration, battlefield improvisation, rapid wind repair and ranging.

  "I am aiming at the next time." Talking about the future, Bing Wang’s face is full of youthful confidence.

"February 2" is approaching, and many old brands in Beijing are selling snacks "Gentiana" online and offline.

The Beijing News (Reporter Wang Ping) March 11th is the second day of the second lunar month, and many time-honored dishes and snacks related to "dragon" in Beijing will become popular foods for consumers. The Beijing News reporter learned from Huguosi Snack Head Office that from this weekend, various flavors of "Gentian" will be served online and offline at the same time, and old-fashioned "Dragon Head-up Limited" dishes such as barbecue season, casserole house, Yuhuatai and Quyuan restaurant have also been on sale.

The Beijing News reporter learned that this year, Huguosi Snack Head Office will supply "Gentian" with various flavors such as bean paste, chocolate, black sesame and jujube paste. Seimi Zhang, manager of Huguosi Snack Head Office, said that the production technology of "Gentiana" is very elegant, and it must be processed with millet flour and hot water, and the stuffing should be wrapped with "hot noodles". Seimi Zhang said that from the Spring Festival to the Lantern Festival, the consumption of food and beverage has not diminished, and it is expected that the supply of "Gentiana" will exceed that of previous years this year. In order to meet the needs of customers, the store set up a "Gentian Cooking Team", which was led and supervised by China pastry master Li Xiuyun. The sales time of Gentian began to be served every morning at breakfast. At the same time, the store has prepared semi-finished raw materials of Gentiana, which customers can book in advance and take home to experience the fun of cooking folk food.

In addition to Gentiana, "Colorful Dragon Ear" dumplings made from natural vegetable juice and fruit juice in barbecue season, and "Dragon Ear" and "Long Lin" packages in casserole houses have all been sold. According to the person in charge of the casserole house, this year’s "Long Lin" has also been upgraded to a combination of plum blossom meat and pancakes. In addition, Yuhuatai has launched a "three-head banquet" in which the pig’s face is grilled, the lion’s head is stewed and the silver carp’s head is stewed. The "leading dish" on Quyuan Restaurant will also sell small portions according to customers’ needs.

Editor Wang Lin

Proofread Junyan Zhang

Eat fish in spring, you can’t miss it! Meat with less fat and thorns is delicious in season and can be eaten by the whole family!

"Plum blossoms in the snow in the first month, peach blossoms in February, boiled garlic in March, and no scaling in April", all kinds of aquatic products have their own "golden taste period", and March in the lunar calendar is the perfect time to taste pomfret, so don’t miss it ~

Delicious and nutritious.

It’s especially worth eating recently

Now is the breeding season of pomfret. They swim from the open sea to the inland sea to lay eggs. After a lot of exercise and adequate food, the meat quality will become more compact and plump, and the taste is very good.

Moreover, pomfret basically has only one rib head in the middle, with less thorns and more meat, which is very convenient to eat. It is a fish suitable for the whole family.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that pomfret belongs to spleen and stomach meridian, which has the functions of dredging meridian, nourishing blood, smoothing joints, softening tendons and bones, tonifying stomach and replenishing essence, and is very suitable for people with indigestion, aching bones and muscles and fatigue. It is also mentioned in the compendium of materia medica that it can "benefit qi".

From the point of view of modern nutrition, pomfret also performed well:

First of all, it is rich in high-quality protein, with a protein content of about 18.5 grams per 100 grams, and its absorption and digestion rate is relatively high;

Secondly, as a marine fish, it contains unsaturated fatty acids such as DHA and EPA, and its cholesterol content is relatively low;

The potassium content of pomfret is as high as 328 mg/100 g, and the contents of trace elements such as magnesium and phosphorus are also rich.

In addition, the mercury content of pomfret is relatively low, so it is safer and more secure to eat.

Pick pomfret

These four points must be optimistic.

There are many kinds of pomfret, such as silver pomfret, golden pomfret and white pomfret, which are common in the market at present, and the price difference is also quite large.

Like silver pomfret, it is silvery white and tastes very delicious, but because it is difficult to breed artificially, it is basically wild at present, so the price will be relatively expensive; Golden pomfret and white pomfret, though not as good as silver pomfret in taste, are generally more affordable.

When choosing, you can look for the following four points:

1 Fish eyes should be clear.

The eyes of fresh pomfret are bright, clear and not sunken; However, the pomfret stored for a long time will obviously sink its eyes and look cloudy.

2 fish scales should be complete

The quality of pomfret with complete scales, close to the fish body and luster is usually better; However, pomfret with flabby scales and a lack of luster are generally not very fresh.

3 gills should be bright red.

Uncover the gill cover of pomfret, if the gill silk is bright red, it means it is fresh; If the gill silk is dark red or dark purple, it means that it has been stored for a long time and it is not recommended to buy it.

4 press to rebound

Gently press the fish body, if the pressed part can rebound immediately, it means that the pomfret is fresh; If the rebound is slow, or there is a depression at the press, it indicates that the pomfret is not fresh.

These two ways of eating

You must try it at home.

The common practices of pomfret are steaming, braising, dry frying, etc. In some places, it is also used to make porridge, which is fresh, tender, smooth and delicious!

Today, Xiao Er recommended to mix pomfret with tomatoes and mushrooms. The color is bright and fresh, which will definitely bring you a different taste experience ~

Stir-fried pomfret with mushrooms in tomato sauce

(CCTV goes home for dinner)


[Face to face] Bao Zhenming: Director of Environmental Protection who was invited to "swim" (20130224)

  CCTV News: Recently, a netizen named Jin Zengmin from Zhejiang said in his Weibo that he was willing to pay 200,000 yuan to invite the environmental protection director of Ruian, Zhejiang Province to "swim" in the river for 20 minutes. The reason is that during the Spring Festival this year, when he returned to his hometown of Ryan, he found that a river with beautiful scenery at his doorstep was now seriously polluted. This Weibo was forwarded by netizens, which aroused widespread concern in society. This Friday, the reporter came to Jinguang Village, Xian Jiang, Rui ‘an, a heavily polluted river.

  Reporter: This is the river published in Weibo. In Xianjiang Town of Rui ‘an, there are many rivers passing through the town like this, so it is so ordinary that it doesn’t even have a name. After the incident, the local government also cleaned up the river to some extent, but now I still smell a pungent and sour smell when I stand by the river. So what is its water quality now? We can now see from the visual inspection that it is very turbid.

  Reporter: When you get down to this river, you will feel that there is more water in this state of the river, which is still white and dirty.

  There is silt in it, and the measured water is very turbid, and there are many things with this sediment. There are also floating domestic garbage and a lot of sundries in it, so what is the water quality of it? We want to carry out some tests through some professional institutions. In such a river, let alone swimming, it is very difficult to accept it when standing in such a position to see such a river.

  With the water samples taken, we came to Ruian Environmental Monitoring Station, and the staff began to test the water samples.

  Reporter: What is the result of the test now?

  Zhou Senlin, Ruian Environmental Monitoring Station: After our afternoon test, the concentration of chemical oxygen demand of this water sample is 126 mg per liter.

  Reporter: In layman’s terms, what is its pollution level?

  Zhou Linsen: According to the content of COD (chemical oxygen demand), this water quality belongs to the environmental quality standard of surface water, which is inferior to five categories.

  Reporter: That’s the worst gear.

  Zhou Linsen: Right.

  Reporter: What kind of impact will such pollution have in the local area?

  Zhou Linsen: It should be said that according to the COD content, it should belong to organic pollution. Organic pollution is caused by various reasons, such as domestic sewage, such as industrial garbage, and wastewater soaked in rain, which may cause high COD (chemical oxygen demand).

  COD seriously exceeds the standard, pungent smell and garbage can be seen everywhere. For this seriously polluted regional river, we interviewed Bao Zhenming, the director of Ruian Environmental Protection Bureau. On this day, Bao Zhenming was transferred from Ruian Safety Supervision Bureau to Environmental Protection Bureau for 11 months.

  Reporter: If the pollution situation like this lasts for such a long time, is it possible to cause some deep pollution to groundwater?

  Bao Zhenming: Pollution definitely exists, I think.

  Reporter: Have you evaluated the relationship between the local water quality and groundwater?

  Bao Zhenming: We did it to the water body, and our testing station in Ryan did it, and the result was done. That is to say, there is more domestic sewage in it.

  Reporter: What is the test you didn’t do?

  Bao Zhenming: It’s the groundwater you mentioned, that is, we haven’t done anything about the soil, and there is no oxygen value involved. Maybe you reminded me next, and I also suggested that they should do it.

  Reporter: What else will you test next?

  Bao Zhenming: The next step is to focus on polluting enterprises, that is, chemical enterprises and electroplating enterprises, that is, major polluting enterprises. We have to test the water and gas it emits, and we have to test the surrounding environment. Test regularly.

  On the second day after the Weibo incident, the environmental protection director who was invited to swim rushed to the scene, which shocked Bao Zhenming.

  Reporter: After the Weibo incident, I don’t know what kind of influence it has brought to you personally, because many people may feel embarrassed when they see it?

  Bao Zhenming: After publishing information in Weibo, I said that the opportunity for environmental protection work has come.

  Reporter: Do you see it as an opportunity?

  Bao Zhenming: Yes, why? We have awakened, and some people have already awakened to the environment.

  Reporter: After this incident, did you have any contact with Mr. Jin who published Weibo?

  Bao Zhenming: Yes. I called. I said thank you. If every citizen loves his hometown as much as he does, and all our units have been moving for a long time, then this thing will not happen.

  Reporter: You don’t care about such negative reports?

  Bao Zhenming: I am really calm. Do people say you are under pressure? There is definitely pressure, and I’m worried.

  Reporter: What are you worried about?

  Bao Zhenming: This shows that some of our work has not been done properly. Through these things, the whole society will be aroused to pay attention to our environmental protection work. Then some environmental protection work is helpless, and some efforts are not enough. Through this matter, I believe it will definitely change and improve.

  After the Weibo incident, the relevant departments of Ruian City have started to clean up the river garbage and rectify the pollution. This Friday, at the river pollution point in Jinguang Village, we saw several workers cleaning the river surface, but the cleaning work was slow due to the narrow access road.

  Reporter: How long has it been cleaned here?

  Cleaner: It has been cleaned for several days.

  Reporter: What is the task for you to clean up?

  Cleaner: Just pick up the garbage on it first, and pick up the dirty ones first.

  Reporter: So where do these rubbish go?

  Cleaner: There’s a garbage dump over there. Put it in the garbage dump.

  Reporter: Go to the garbage dump.

  Cleaner: Take it to the top later, and then drag it to the garbage dump.

  Bing Gu: From this position, we can see that the river is basically shallow, and the related cleaning work is still going on. However, if we really only control the garbage on the river surface, it may be difficult to change the cleanliness of the river.

  Since the early 1990s, with the rise of Ruian Industry, small local processing plants have developed rapidly. In Xianjiang Town, a small place, the factory buildings of enterprises were built along the river in disorder.

  Reporter: Judging from the salvaged garbage, besides domestic garbage, there are many rubber wastes left over from industrial processing. On both sides of this river, we see few houses, all of which are very dense small shoe processing factories. Then some of the wastewater and waste residue generated by these processing plants will be discharged into the river I just saw. So which departments should be responsible for such supervision of some pollution of these enterprises?

  There is a serious pollution problem in the rivers in Jinguang Village. The Ruian Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government held a special mobilization meeting for river regulation, asking the Environmental Protection Bureau to take the lead, and the water conservancy, health, municipal administration, industry and commerce, local streets and other units actively cooperated to comprehensively carry out garbage cleaning and pollution regulation. However, in the past few days, the Environmental Protection Bureau, as the lead department, has always encountered helplessness in its work.

  Reporter: Where did something go wrong?

  Bao Zhenming: All our departments are equal to us, which means you have to supervise and give unified guidance. I don’t think the intensity of this work is enough.

  Reporter: Do you mean that this concept of peer-to-peer means how difficult it will be to coordinate?

  Bao Zhenming: Small horse-drawn carts.

  Reporter: What is a pony? What is a cart?

  Bao Zhenming: Pony, I think it is our Environmental Protection Bureau, and we are also a bureau. That is to say, there are more than a dozen environmental management departments.

  Reporter: Can’t Pony do it alone?

  Bao Zhenming: We do this by ourselves. That is to say, like river regulation, our responsibilities are different, like environmental sanitation management, which is beyond our jurisdiction.

  Reporter: What kind of area is the responsibility of the environmental protection department?

  Bao Zhenming: Supervision.

  Reporter: Is anyone actually doing such supervision work?

  Bao Zhenming: At present, we have not carried out this work very well. This may still be a mechanism.

  Reporter: What kind of mechanism does the mechanism refer to?

  Bao Zhenming: We just mean peer-to-peer units. How can we supervise them?

  Reporter: If you find that this river is polluted now, as an environmental protection department, do you have the right to enforce the law to inform enterprises or relevant departments?

  Bao Zhenming: We are involved not only in rivers, but also in other departments, that is to say, if this pollution belongs to which department and you are going to rectify it, then we will definitely inform you by letter. If it is done well or not, that is another matter. But through this matter, our environmental protection department will definitely do so in the future.

  In the course of river regulation, the Environmental Protection Bureau has also stepped up its efforts and sent people to inspect the surrounding areas of polluted rivers.

  Bao Zhenming: These days. Last night, I had two groups of people patrolling.

  Reporter: What to do?

  Bao Zhenming: It’s just an inspection, to see if the enterprise has illegally discharged industrial wastewater and dumped industrial garbage. But if you are there for 24 hours, I don’t think that’s possible, but I believe it will have some effect.

  Reporter: But this morning, we also took a video in the river. You can take a look. Just next to the river, an enterprise is still throwing some garbage into the river.

  Bao Zhenming: It may be that we are not avoiding this issue at present. This kind of emission. Generally speaking, when our staff are not there, he secretly dumps those industrial wastes while others are not paying attention. Our current Feiyun environmental management office, the next Feiyun environmental management office, has three streets under its supervision, and there is only one village with only five people.

  Reporter: How big is the area he wants to manage?

  Bao Zhenming: The area is nearly 20 square kilometers. Yesterday, we made a special study. We specially transferred seven personnel from other institutes, including the departments in our bureau, to give priority to supporting them there. In this case, we say that we should immediately file a case and punish it. If it is serious, we can shut it down.

  In the interview, we walked into a company next to the river.

  Reporter: Why should everyone build on this river?

  Business owner Jin Qiudi: This is what may have been planned before.

  Reporter: Planned?

  Business owner Jin Qiudi: Yes.

  Reporter: But what kind of state will water like you be discharged into this river? Because it is not being discharged now, I don’t know what kind of water will be discharged.

  Business owner Jin Qiudi: It should be very clean, and the water discharged should be absolutely clean.

  This shoe-making enterprise was established at the end of 2012 and is now in the trial operation stage. After the Weibo incident, this shoe factory was ordered to stop work because the environmental protection approval procedures were not completed.

  Reporter: Without EIA, can we start trial operation directly?

  Jin Qiudi, the business owner: I’ve just done this right now, and I still don’t understand some policies. Here’s the thing.

  Reporter: How long have you lived in this town?

  Business owner Jin Qiudi: I am in the town. I was born here, grew up here, and is here.

  Reporter: Do you remember what this river looked like when you were a child?

  Business owner Jin Qiudi: When I was a child, it was ok when there was no industry at that time.

  Reporter: Did you swim in the river when you were young?

  Business owner Jin Qiudi: Traveling is traveling.

  Reporter: Have you ever swam?

  Business owner Jin Qiudi: Mm-hmm.

  Reporter: Have you also swam in the river?

  Jin Qiudi, the business owner: I have also had it.

  Reporter: but now this situation may never be seen again.

  Jin Qiudi, the business owner: Anyway, I think it’s all the same in China.

  Reporter: Why do you say that all China is like this?

  Jin Qiudi, the business owner: That is to say, the whole economic development of China in recent years has definitely suffered from a loss of environment. This is, and should be.

  Reporter: Do you think this river can be restored to its clear state in the past?

  Adhering to zero tolerance and strict punishment is one of the measures for river regulation in Jinguang Village. After the incident, the Environmental Protection Bureau re-examined the environmental approval of many small enterprises in Ruian, resolutely banned unlicensed enterprises and rectified enterprises that did not meet environmental standards.

  Reporter: But we saw many small shoe processing factories on both sides of the river today. Have they been approved by environmental protection?

  Bao Zhenming: Certainly not.

  Reporter: Why do you continue to operate there?

  Bao Zhenming: We also found that we are now rectifying this kind of enterprises and legal enterprises immediately, and all those that have not been approved will be banned.

  Reporter: We saw an enterprise today, which has just opened and is in trial production, but it has not been approved by environmental protection.

  Bao Zhenming: We have turned off two. Some enterprises, that is to say, the doors and equipment have not completely cut off its power supply, or they may start work without authorization.

  Reporter: Isn’t this kind of law enforcement a mere formality?

  Bao Zhenming: So this is what we need to look back on in law enforcement. We can’t say that as soon as the seal is posted today and the law enforcement notice has been delivered, we think that the law enforcement has been terminated. That’s not true. Look back in a week or two, so we are all doing the work next. If it is found again, it will be punished in this field, and then we will apply to the court for enforcement.

  However, if the environmental protection department applies to the court for legal procedures to enforce environmental protection, it still faces many difficulties.

  Bao Zhenming: Then we decided to inform, file a case, talk and issue a penalty notice. This process. If it is finished, it will take at least half a year.

  Reporter: What are the constraints on enterprises in the past six months?

  Bao Zhenming: In the past six months, the illegal activities of that enterprise are still here, and some still exist.

  Reporter: You can only watch, but there is nothing you can do.

  Bao Zhenming: Yes, we are in a hurry. Therefore, the common people are still dissatisfied with the destruction of the environment, so we should change this situation as soon as possible.

  Reporter: Can there be a faster way?

  Bao Zhenming: Not yet. So we’re still saying the same thing. If there are any more difficulties, I will definitely call you, too.

  Reporter: What do you want from us?

  Bao Zhenming: I want you to help us appeal to shorten the time of our punishment procedure and implement simple law enforcement as soon as possible.

  Although there is helplessness, it is a fact that clear water turns into sewage and the mother river turns into a stinking ditch. We are concerned about when this river can return to the state of swimming and laundry in memory.

  Reporter: During the interview, I asked a business owner next to a river. I asked him when we could see a clear river again. He didn’t answer me. Can you answer me?

  Bao Zhenming: I believe that everyone hopes to see it in a short time, but I think that after the sewage pipe network is built in 2014, I estimate that in three to five years, the river will definitely improve, and our domestic sewage will not go in. I believe that the river will gradually clear up.

  Reporter: Is this a promise?

  Bao Zhenming: It can also be regarded as a promise.

  Reporter: I hope that according to the time you promised, I can see an environmental protection director like you, who can really swim in that river, instead of being offered a reward and money to invite you.

  Bao Zhenming: I look forward to it, too. I want to invite Mr. Gu, more comrades and more citizens to travel together. I think that day will definitely come.

  Just as Jin Zengmin released the Weibo, he offered 200,000 yuan to invite the environmental protection director of Ruian City, Wenzhou to swim in the river. On February 19th, the environmental protection director of Cangnan County, Wenzhou City was invited to swim in the river again, and the price soared to 300,000 yuan. Connecting the two events of inviting the environmental protection director to swim in the river once again touched people’s environmental protection nerves. Offering a reward of 200,000 yuan and 300,000 yuan to invite the environmental protection director to swim in the river reflects the people’s anxiety and strong dissatisfaction. However, if we want to eradicate the pollution of the river, I am afraid it is not as simple as asking an environmental protection director to swim in the river. The reason why we are concerned about this incident is not only about this polluted river, but also that we hope to find a way to solve the helplessness and dilemma in environmental protection law enforcement through this incident. Of course, we also hope that the concern of the society can arouse everyone’s reflection.

[Minhang] Pujiang No.1 Middle School: The Pujiang film "Microfilm" was officially released! This "premiere" held in the school was an extraordinary event!

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Minhang District Primary and Secondary School Film and Television Education Seminar and Pujiang Film Microfilm Creation Release

On December 15th, sponsored by Minhang Education Bureau and Film Academy of Shanghai Theatre Academy, and hosted by Pujiang No.1 Middle School, Minhang District Film and Television Education Seminar and Pujiang Microfilm Creation Conference were successfully held in Baihua Theater of Pujiang No.1 Middle School.

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Wang Li, Deputy Director of Minhang District Education Bureau (on post), Han Yongsheng, Party branch secretary of Film Academy of Shanghai Theatre Academy, Zhang Meiqin, director of Minhang District Development and Reform Commission, Wang Mingliang, chairman of Jinshan Digital Film Company of Shanghai Education Cinema, Ma Weibao, director of Minhang Station of Jinshan Digital Film Company of Shanghai Education Cinema, Min Xu, service office of Pujin Sub-district Office, Li Jia, Film Academy of Shanghai Theatre Academy, Duan Ran, Chen Yaozhong, Party Secretary and President of Pujiang No.1 Middle School, Wang Meili, Vice President of Pujiang No.1 Middle School and director of Pujiang Film, attended the event. Members of Minhang District Moral Education Management Center, moral education cadres of primary and secondary schools in Pujiang Film, and teachers and students representatives of various awards for Pujiang Film Microfilm Creation also participated in the event.

As a pilot area of film and television education in Minhang District, Pujiang Film has carefully formulated an activity plan and mobilized it widely, and received a total of 23 "micro-movies" works. Movies have not only interpersonal communication and family relations in daily life, but also emotional confusion and self-transformation in the process of growing up.

Awards: Best Actor, Best Film and Best Creativity of Microfilm.

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Wang Li, deputy director of Minhang District Education Bureau, and Han Yongsheng, secretary of the Party branch of Shanghai Theatre Academy Film Academy, presented awards to the winners of the "Best Film Award"; Zhang Meiqin, a moral education specialist in General Education, Minhang District Education Bureau, and Xu Hui, head of Minhang District Development and Reform Commission, presented awards to the winners of the "Best Creative Award"; Wang Mingliang, chairman of Shanghai Education Cinema Jinshan Digital Film Company, and Ma Weibao, stationmaster of Minhang Station of Shanghai Education Cinema Jinshan Digital Film Company, presented awards to the winners of the "Best Actor Award".

list of winners

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Schools in the district dig deep into the value of film education, improve the construction of film and television education curriculum system, coordinate with the "social classroom" to educate people, make every effort to create a sample of film education in primary and secondary schools, and fully help the healthy growth of Minhang students with ideals, pursuits, feelings and temperature!

Work Report: Relying on "Miniature Management" to Improve the Effectiveness of School Film and Television Education

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Let beautiful light and shadow grow together

Zhang Meiqin, a specialist in general education and moral education in Minhang District Education Bureau.

Zhang Meiqin mentioned that Minhang District adheres to the guidance of "healthy children, the future of Minhang", integrates moral education and five educations, forms a work pattern of common concern and support for the ideological and moral construction of minors, and promotes the high-quality development of Minhang education. Starting with the value implication of film and television education, she shared with you how film and television education can promote the organic integration of moral education with the teaching contents of various disciplines, with thematic education, and with practical activities inside and outside the school, thereby empowering young people to grow up, stimulating students’ love for the party, the country and the people, enhancing their understanding and recognition of the "four self-confidences", developing good ideological and moral, psychological quality and behavior habits from childhood, forming a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, and improving students’ aesthetics and humanities.

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Relying on "Miniature Management" to Improve the Effectiveness of School Film and Television Education

Wang Meili, Vice President of Pujiang No.1 Middle School

Wang Meili, the vice principal, shared the "highlight" moment and successful experience in Pujiang film and television education activities with the "miniaturization" management. She mentioned that, based on the superior documents of the city and district, combined with the "Hundred Years of Cultivating People" film sunshine activity carried out in the whole district, all schools in the district cooperated with each other, and through refined management, diversified film and television education methods were used from three aspects: "strengthening mission awareness, division of labor and cooperation", "strengthening innovation awareness, careful planning and effectiveness" and "strengthening quality awareness, and professional participation is the guarantee" to deepen quality education and enhance the effectiveness of film and television education.

School practice sharing: closely following "curriculum education" and optimizing the implementation of film and television education.

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Firm and confident, meet a bright future

Chen Yaozhong, Party Secretary and President of Pujiang No.1 Middle School

Principal Chen Yaozhong’s report focuses on the educational purpose of "Let every child confidently move towards the future" and the school’s characteristic "FLAME" course, and reports the exploration practice and effective achievements of Pujiang No.1 Middle School in film and television education from three aspects.

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Give priority to me:Collaboration warms the heart, and high-quality courses stimulate project tension

Relying on the resources of parents and communities, the school develops the project of "Career Education Career Forum", combining with film and television education, so that students can further feel the "adult talent" behind their careers, broaden their horizons and promote students to form the consciousness of preliminary planning life development.

Self-confidence is paramount:Teach students in accordance with their aptitude and tell a good red story.

Film education is the infiltration of red culture. The school links the spirit of the times and film and television resources, and the activities are carried out in grades by watching movies, writing film reviews, speaking competitions, film poster design competitions, film dubbing competitions, singing the theme song of red movies, and rehearsing stage plays.

Education-oriented:Enlightening wisdom and moistening heart, film and television education glows with innovative vitality

Film and television education in art class. Let the film and television education keep pace with the times, so that students can learn wonderfully and meaningfully in the art classroom. Teachers brainstorm, bring forth new ideas, and start an interdisciplinary teaching attempt. By popularizing the knowledge of film and television aesthetic education, students can be guided to appreciate classic film and television works, and students’ perception of literature and art can be cultivated. Film and television education is full of vitality.

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Micro Forum: Feel the Charm of Light and Shadow

Pujiang No.3 Middle School Zhou Jiayi Moral Education Team

Pujiang No.3 Middle School has selected 100 excellent films with strong ideological and artistic qualities, which promote the national spirit, and formed a "hundred films library" exclusively for students of No.3 Middle School. The school has also developed the "Hundred Movies" course plan, and organized students to complete the observation of hundreds of excellent film works.

Teacher Zhou mentioned that film and television have the function of educating people. In the process of watching hundreds of movies, students can express their feelings by using the Memo of Watching, from which they can standardize their words and deeds, learn the character of movie characters and form a sense of self-discipline. At the same time, a series of original activities such as film dubbing and microfilm shooting also help students cultivate their self-reliance and self-improvement character.

Teacher Pan shared a series of activities carried out by the school by combining after-school service time with film and television education. He mentioned that film and television education has divided different educational themes, allowing students to deeply understand the ideas and connotations of movies. For example, the theme of "My Father and I" is to feel the spirit of striving for our country and internalize our emotions. After-school service is combined with film and television education, and students enjoy it and gain from it.

Mr. Huang mentioned that different films brought him different feelings, and he also learned a lot from these excellent films. He became sunny, confident and brave by participating in the campus speech contest with the theme of film and television, and gained different experiences.

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Sitcom: My Tutor Takes Me to the Movie

Xia Mengmeng’s team of teachers and students attached to Shangxi School

A lively sitcom kicked off, and the tutors attached to the school discussed and learned from each other, explored various forms of film and television education activities, and improved the educational effect. From the deduction of teachers and students, we feel the teacher’s intention and affection, which brings children different experiences.

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In the school attached to the drama, the tutors worked together to bring students a different viewing experience through wonderful activities in the collision of wisdom. The original campus red sitcom "Echo of the Century", which was performed by students, was derived from "The Founding of the People’s Republic of China". The activity of "Tutor takes me to the movies" has set up an activity platform for students to experience roles, internalize emotions and really enter the film and television works.

Schools in the district fully tap the elements of "five educations" in film and television education, carry out rich characteristic education activities and form teaching cases. I believe these valuable successful experiences and practices will be valuable resources for the follow-up film and television education.

Awarding moment

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In this selection activity, nearly 50 cases were received, focusing on the inheritance of red culture, the promotion of artisans’ spirit, and the activities of school tutors. A total of 16 outstanding cases were evaluated, forming the Collection of Excellent Film and Television Education Cases of Pujiang Film. Wang Meili, Vice President of Pujiang No.1 Middle School, and Ms. Min Xu from Pujin Sub-district Service Office presented awards to the award-winning teachers of excellent film and television education in Pujiang.

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Project start: "Jin" color film and television studio

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Leaders jointly staged to light up the "Jin" color film and television studio project.

Expert comments

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Li Jia, Film Academy of Shanghai Theatre Academy

Teacher Li commented on the students’ film and television works from the perspective of film and television major, and we can see the unparalleled creativity of the students in terms of emotional expression, shooting techniques and material selection. She mentioned that while diversified film and television education activities guide students to think about the meaning and value of life, they will also provide valuable talents for the film and television industry, provide students with a platform to show their talents, and meet students’ individual needs to the greatest extent.

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Duan Ran, Film Academy of Shanghai Theatre Academy

Teacher Duan affirmed that students can spontaneously explore and focus on the theme in the creation of micro-movies, thus producing works with adolescent characteristics. He mentioned that movie-watching activities can not only learn a variety of knowledge, but also enjoy the charm of film and television, and realize the expansion of courses. At the same time, he also hopes that students can achieve comprehensive growth and cultivate their own aesthetic ability and innovation ability in "moistening things quietly".

Leadership speech

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Wang Li, Deputy Director of Minhang District Education Bureau (on post)

Deputy Director Wang spoke highly of the achievements of film and television education displayed by teachers and students in this activity. He mentioned that with the wisdom of front-line teachers and the active participation of students, film and television education will definitely add a touch of bright color to moral education and leave brilliant light and shadow for students’ youth.

Adhere to Lide Shuren and Develop Film and Television Education

Schools should choose appropriate film and television resources and implementation paths according to the characteristics of students’ physical and mental development at different stages, clearly position, define objectives, set courses, reform teaching and improve evaluation, so as to make a unique contribution to film and television education for the country to cultivate new people with all-round development in morality, intelligence, beauty and labor.

Integrating Film and Television Education into Ideological and Political Education

Film and television education is an important way to realize the mutual integration, infiltration and promotion of moral education, aesthetic education and intellectual education, and it is also an important carrier to construct the pattern of "great ideological and political education" in primary and secondary schools. Schools should not only do a good job in top-level design, but also pay attention to the implementation of details.

Enrich the construction of campus culture

Schools should plan, organize and implement film and television education activities together with campus cultural activities, actively carry out activities such as film appreciation, film criticism, film dubbing and micro-film creation, and vigorously create a strong campus film and television cultural atmosphere.

Adhere to collaborative education

Establish and improve the cooperative education mechanism of schools, families and communities, actively mobilize the power of parents and volunteers, carry out some parent-child viewing and parent-child film review activities, and also introduce excellent film and television education resources with the help of the power of streets or communities.

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This theme seminar allows us to see the development and innovation of film and television education, constantly write colorful chapters of moral education on campus, and bear fruitful results, and even see new ways of ideological and political education and cultural soul-building. Through the screen light and shadow, students can internalize their emotions, learn more and enjoy it, which is praised by moral educators in Pujiang films!

The 2023 FISU Football World Cup ended and Beijing Normal University won the women’s team championship.

People’s Daily Online, Beijing, November 1 (Reporter Yang Lei) On October 31, the 2023 FISU Football World Cup ended in Jinjiang, Fujian. Beijing Normal University beat paulista University of Brazil in the women’s final and won the championship, while paulista University men’s soccer team won the men’s championship.

On the afternoon of October 31st, the battle for the women’s championship of the 2023 FIFA World Cup in Jinjiang was held at the training ground of Jinjiang Football Center. The team of Beijing Normal University, which represented China, played against the team of paulista University in Brazil, and the two sides fought for 120 minutes and drew 2:2. In the final penalty shootout, Beijing Normal University won the championship with a total score of 7:6.

"Today, we made full preparations for playing for 120 minutes and presented a very wonderful game to everyone. It is our honor to stand on the highest podium again after 12 years. " Bi Yan, former China international and head coach of Beijing Normal University, said after the game.

At the 2011 Shenzhen Universiade, Bi Yan helped the Beijing Normal University women’s football team win the championship by beating the Japanese team 2-1. Twelve years later, as the head coach, she led the team to the highest podium in the world college football again.

In the men’s final, paulista University of Brazil beat the Ukrainian National University of Economics and Business men’s soccer team 7-6 in a penalty shootout and won the championship. Hohai University’s men’s soccer team, representing China, created the best result of China University’s men’s soccer team in the FIBA World Cup, and finally won the eighth place.

New energy vehicles lead the way, develop with high quality and move towards a powerful automobile country.

Source: China Economic Net

China’s new energy vehicles have entered a new stage of large-scale, global and high-quality development, and the system strength is constantly maturing and the market position is continuously consolidated; More importantly, a number of highly competitive automobile brands in China have emerged. However, opportunities often coexist with challenges, and China’s new energy vehicles still have shortcomings in some key areas, which need to be overcome.

After 70 years of development, China automobile industry has entered a new stage of high-quality development. Since the beginning of this year, driven by the policy and market, China’s automobile production and sales have steadily increased, constantly hitting record highs, which has played an important role in promoting consumption and boosting economic development. Among them, new energy, automobile export and high-end car market have all become important forces to promote the development of the automobile market. To this end, China Economic Net auto channel will review and summarize these three aspects in order to help the industry further achieve high-quality development. Today, "New Energy Vehicles Leading the Way, High-quality Development Towards Automobile Power" was launched.

Developing new energy vehicles is the only way for China to move from a big automobile country to a strong automobile country. In recent years, driven by policy and market, China’s new energy automobile industry has achieved leap-forward development, and its production and sales have ranked first in the world for eight consecutive years.

According to the data of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (hereinafter referred to as China Automobile Association), from January to October this year, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in China were 7.352 million and 7.28 million respectively, up by 33.9% and 37.8% respectively, and the market share reached 30.4%. In October, the production and sales were close to one million vehicles. In July this year, the 20 millionth new energy vehicle rolled off the assembly line, which marked that China’s new energy vehicle industry entered a new stage of large-scale and global high-quality development.

The China Automobile Association predicts that the production and sales of new energy vehicles will reach 9 million this year. At present, the cumulative sales volume of new energy vehicles in the first 10 months has exceeded that of last year. The China Automobile Association said that according to the current data, the production and sales targets of new energy vehicles can basically be achieved this year.

Source: WeChat public platform of China Automobile Industry Association

Policy escort, high-quality development of new energy vehicles

The scale of new energy vehicles in China continues to rise, which is inseparable from the "escort" of policies. Fang Haifeng, chief expert of China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd. and deputy director of China Automotive Strategy and Policy Research Center, said, "From a policy perspective, the relevant state authorities have increased policy support during the market introduction period to promote the industrialization of new energy vehicles, adhered to diversified development, and introduced a series of policy measures, creating a good policy environment for the development of the whole industry and building a policy support system."

Since the beginning of this year, the national ministries and commissions have intensively introduced policies related to new energy vehicles, from the continuation of the vehicle purchase tax reduction policy for new energy vehicles to the end of 2027, to the launch of the "thousand counties and thousands of towns" new energy vehicle consumption season, to the promotion of the construction of charging infrastructure system, and to strengthen the safety management of new energy vehicles, improve the motor vehicle scrapping and renewal policy and the promotion mechanism of new energy vehicles, covering the whole life cycle of new energy vehicles from production, purchase, use to recycling.

This also makes the strength of China’s new energy automobile industry system mature, and its core position in the global new energy automobile industry becomes more and more stable. From the perspective of industrial layout, with the "Three Electricity" (battery, motor and electronic control) becoming the core components of new energy auto time, China has formed a competitive advantage in relevant industrial chains, and outstanding suppliers such as Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, Horizon and Hesai Technology have emerged. Zhang Yongwei, vice chairman and secretary general of China Electric Vehicle committee of 100, also said, "At present, China has formed a relatively complete electrification supply chain, which occupies an important position in the world. At this stage, about 70% of the global battery production capacity is in China. In the future, China is likely to become a global automotive supply chain center. "

Source: WeChat public platform of China Automotive Power Battery Industry Innovation Alliance

In the technical field, ultra-fast rechargeable batteries make new energy vehicles comparable to fuel vehicles, the meta-universe is changing the in-vehicle experience, large models promote the rapid growth of autonomous driving ability, and even before flying cars take the stage … Many innovative technologies are gathering in the new energy field. According to Tao Qing, spokesperson of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, in the first three quarters of this year, China’s new energy automobile industry showed the characteristics of rapid improvement in technical level. The energy density of mass-produced power batteries reached 300 WHr/kg, the average driving range of pure electric passenger cars exceeded 460 kilometers, and the proportion of vehicles with L2 or above self-driving function in passenger cars exceeded 40%.

At the product level, it has become a new energy market of "fairy fights". In 2023, a large number of new China brand members will be added, covering all market segments. Geely Panda mini, Wuling Binguo, BYD Seagull, Baojun Yueye, Jianghuai Yttrium 3, Nezha AYA and Baojun Yunduo in the small car market; Extreme Krypton X, Haval Xiaolong, Geely Yinhe L7, Geely Yinhe L6, Beiqi Polar Fox Koala, Nezha X and Changan Qiyuan A05 in compact market; Deep blue S7, Tucki G6, Tengshi N7, Zhiji LS6, Qichen VX6 and Haoplatinum GT in the medium-sized car market; Zhiji LS7, Weipai Lanshan, Tanks 500 Hi4-T, Gaohe HiPhi Y, Tengshi N8, Feifan F7, Lantu Zhuiguang, Changan Qiyuan A07 in medium and large markets; Chuanqi E9, Hechuang V09 and Weipai Gaoshan DHT-PHEV in MPV market; And look up to U8 and Haoplatinum SSR…… … More than that, there are more generations, changes and new models to join, and China brand new energy vehicles are welcoming the era of a hundred flowers.

Looking up to U8 Source: Photo courtesy of enterprises

In terms of infrastructure construction, the data released by the National Energy Administration shows that China’s charging infrastructure has increased from hundreds of thousands in the early 13 th Five-Year Plan to 6.928 million by the end of July 2023, an increase of over 60 times; From January to July, the charging capacity of new energy vehicles nationwide reached 44.14 billion kWh, up 99.6% year-on-year, which has exceeded the charging capacity of last year. At the same time, nearly 90% of expressway service areas in China have been equipped with charging facilities. As a result, China has formed a charging infrastructure system with the largest number, the widest service range and the most complete variety in the world.

Li Shaohua, deputy secretary-general of China Automobile Industry Association, confidently said, "After years of development, China’s charging infrastructure industry has established a relatively complete technical standard system, charging facility quality system, charging operation management system, etc., and summarized and formed a series of achievements and experiences."

Opportunities and challenges coexist, and China brands accelerate their upward breakthrough.

With strong policy boost, strong market demand and perfect industrial guarantee, the accelerated development of China’s new energy automobile industry comes naturally. More importantly, new energy vehicles are the best carrier for China’s automobiles to break through and expand outward.

Specifically, in the new energy era, a number of highly competitive automobile brands have emerged in China. In October this year, BYD’s sales exceeded 300,000 vehicles for the first time, which further consolidated the local advantages of China brand. In addition, data released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology show that in the first three quarters, the domestic market sales of China brand new energy passenger cars accounted for 80.2%. Among the new brands, LI sold more than 40,000 vehicles in October, and it has got rid of the traditional multinational giants in the luxury SUV market.

Looking around the world, China’s new energy vehicles have also become a beautiful landscape. According to the data of China Automobile Association, from January to October, domestic new energy vehicles exported a total of 995,000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 99.1%. More than that, China’s new energy vehicles have also moved to the developed markets in Europe and America. For example, SAIC MG brand sold more than 200,000 vehicles in the European market in the first 10 months, and MG4 EV won the sales champion of European pure electric compact models.

In addition, China’s new energy vehicles are characterized by technological globalization. In July this year, Volkswagen brand and Xpeng Motors reached a technical cooperation framework agreement to jointly develop two Volkswagen brand electric vehicles; Audi also signed a strategic memorandum with SAIC, which will rapidly and efficiently expand the high-end market intelligent networked electric vehicle product portfolio through joint development.

Source: audi ag (China) Chairman and CEO Bered Weibo screenshot

At the same time, however, China’s new energy vehicles are still facing challenges, and their shortcomings need to be overcome urgently.

First of all, there is still unbalanced development in the new energy vehicle market in China. Xin Guobin, vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said, "From the perspective of urban and rural markets, the rural market has not been fully tapped." The data shows that in 2022, the sales of new energy vehicles in rural areas of China only accounted for 4% of the total sales of vehicles in rural areas, far below the overall level of 25.6% in the industry. According to the Study on Electric Vehicle Travel in Rural Areas of China published by China Electric Vehicle committee of 100, in March this year, the penetration rate of pure electric passenger cars in counties and townships was 16%, and that of hybrid passenger cars was 8%, both of which were far below the level of first-and second-tier cities.

The rural new energy vehicle market is still a blue ocean. According to the relevant research of China Automobile Strategy and Policy Research Center of China Automobile Center, every promotion of a new energy vehicle will drive the value-added of the upstream and downstream industrial chains of automobiles by 2.5 to 3 times. Therefore, supporting new energy vehicles to the countryside will play a vital role in promoting new energy vehicles in China and even the overall economic development.

Furthermore, China’s new energy vehicles still have shortcomings in some key areas. Wan Gang, chairman of China Association for Science and Technology, once bluntly said that there are still some problems in the development of new energy automobile industry, such as high price of basic resources, poor supply chain and some technical constraints. Fu Bingfeng, executive vice president and secretary general of China Automobile Industry Association, also believes that the shortcomings of China’s new energy automobile industry in the fields of chips, basic software and key materials need continuous efforts to make up. (China Economic Net reporter Guo Yue)