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Attention! Huayu Software will hold a shareholders’ meeting on March 12th.

Every AI newsletter,Huayu Software (SZ 300271, closing price: 6.44 yuan) announced on February 25th that at 14: 30pm on March 12th, 2024, the company will hold the first extraordinary shareholders’ meeting in 2024 at 25th floor, Block C, Science and Technology Building, Tsinghua Science Park. The shareholders’ meeting will consider the Proposal on the Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (Draft) of Beijing Huayu Software Co., Ltd. in 2024 and its summary, etc. After the market closes on March 6, 2024, registered shareholders can vote on the spot or exercise their voting rights through the voting system of the exchange.

From January to June, 2023, Huayu Software’s operating income consisted of legal technology accounting for 56.58%, digitalization of government and enterprises accounting for 28.73%, and education informationization accounting for 14.69%.

The chairman of Huayu Software is Yamy, male, 46 years old, with a master’s degree background; The general manager is Wang Yan, male, 52 years old, with an undergraduate education background.

As of press time, Huayu Software has a market value of 5.3 billion yuan.

1. Huayu Software’s shareholding in northbound capital increased by 1,505,200 shares in the past 30 days, accounting for 0.19% of the outstanding shares;
2. In the past 30 days, a group of institutions have investigated Huayu Software, and the total number of institutions surveyed is 5.

Every headline (nbdtoutiao)-Behind the penalty of Lingjun Investment: the unprecedented retreat of quantitative products, the trampling conversion of stocks by private placement …

(Reporter Wang Xiaobo)

Disclaimer: The contents and data in this article are for reference only, and do not constitute investment advice. Please check before use. Operate accordingly at your own risk.

national business daily


Eat fish in spring, you can’t miss it! Meat with less fat and thorns is delicious in season and can be eaten by the whole family!

"Plum blossoms in the snow in the first month, peach blossoms in February, boiled garlic in March, and no scaling in April", all kinds of aquatic products have their own "golden taste period", and March in the lunar calendar is the perfect time to taste pomfret, so don’t miss it ~

Delicious and nutritious.

It’s especially worth eating recently

Now is the breeding season of pomfret. They swim from the open sea to the inland sea to lay eggs. After a lot of exercise and adequate food, the meat quality will become more compact and plump, and the taste is very good.

Moreover, pomfret basically has only one rib head in the middle, with less thorns and more meat, which is very convenient to eat. It is a fish suitable for the whole family.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that pomfret belongs to spleen and stomach meridian, which has the functions of dredging meridian, nourishing blood, smoothing joints, softening tendons and bones, tonifying stomach and replenishing essence, and is very suitable for people with indigestion, aching bones and muscles and fatigue. It is also mentioned in the compendium of materia medica that it can "benefit qi".

From the point of view of modern nutrition, pomfret also performed well:

First of all, it is rich in high-quality protein, with a protein content of about 18.5 grams per 100 grams, and its absorption and digestion rate is relatively high;

Secondly, as a marine fish, it contains unsaturated fatty acids such as DHA and EPA, and its cholesterol content is relatively low;

The potassium content of pomfret is as high as 328 mg/100 g, and the contents of trace elements such as magnesium and phosphorus are also rich.

In addition, the mercury content of pomfret is relatively low, so it is safer and more secure to eat.

Pick pomfret

These four points must be optimistic.

There are many kinds of pomfret, such as silver pomfret, golden pomfret and white pomfret, which are common in the market at present, and the price difference is also quite large.

Like silver pomfret, it is silvery white and tastes very delicious, but because it is difficult to breed artificially, it is basically wild at present, so the price will be relatively expensive; Golden pomfret and white pomfret, though not as good as silver pomfret in taste, are generally more affordable.

When choosing, you can look for the following four points:

1 Fish eyes should be clear.

The eyes of fresh pomfret are bright, clear and not sunken; However, the pomfret stored for a long time will obviously sink its eyes and look cloudy.

2 fish scales should be complete

The quality of pomfret with complete scales, close to the fish body and luster is usually better; However, pomfret with flabby scales and a lack of luster are generally not very fresh.

3 gills should be bright red.

Uncover the gill cover of pomfret, if the gill silk is bright red, it means it is fresh; If the gill silk is dark red or dark purple, it means that it has been stored for a long time and it is not recommended to buy it.

4 press to rebound

Gently press the fish body, if the pressed part can rebound immediately, it means that the pomfret is fresh; If the rebound is slow, or there is a depression at the press, it indicates that the pomfret is not fresh.

These two ways of eating

You must try it at home.

The common practices of pomfret are steaming, braising, dry frying, etc. In some places, it is also used to make porridge, which is fresh, tender, smooth and delicious!

Today, Xiao Er recommended to mix pomfret with tomatoes and mushrooms. The color is bright and fresh, which will definitely bring you a different taste experience ~

Stir-fried pomfret with mushrooms in tomato sauce

(CCTV goes home for dinner)


31-year-old beauty blogger broadcasts frozen eggs live. How difficult is it to just have a baby without getting married?

Original said elder sister elite said.

Frozen eggs are called the only regret medicine in the world.

With the increase of age, women’s ovaries are gradually aging, the quantity and quality of eggs are getting worse, and the infertility rate, abortion rate and the risk of abnormal fetus will increase. In order to solve this problem, frozen egg technology was born.

Frozen eggs came into public view because of Xu Jinglei. In the early years, in an interview with Lu Yu, Xu Jinglei admitted that she went to the United States to freeze eggs. She said, "It’s too easy. You can leave such precious things without doing anything. Why not do it twice?"

The picture comes from "Lu Yu You Yue"

Over the years, there have been reports in the media that single women have been refused frozen eggs.

Since the first "frozen egg case" in China in 2019, a large number of public opinions supporting single women have been spreading, and frozen eggs are obviously not a niche demand.

The picture is from The New York Times.

When the domestic policy becomes more and more restrictive, the outbound "assisted reproduction" market becomes hotter and hotter, and the tide of consumption upgrading driven by technology also comes from the complete change of individuals’ cognition of life reproduction.

It is precisely because of realizing the "benefits" of frozen eggs that more and more women want to buy this "regret medicine". Some of them have not found a suitable partner, some are not ready for childbirth, and some have poor ovarian function … But behind frozen eggs, there is actually the responsibility and love of contemporary women for bearing offspring.

Frozen eggs, also known as "frozen eggs"

The picture comes from the Internet.

31-year-old beauty blogger broadcasts frozen eggs live:

"Save the seeds of hope while you are young."

Molly is a famous travel blogger in Weibo. He is 31 years old. In 2019, she broadcasted the whole process of freezing her eggs live on Weibo.

"If you have a boyfriend, why do you still go to freeze eggs?" In the face of questions from fans, she replied, "I want to be a mother, but not now."

Molly Molly

Image from @ molly Molly

About two years ago, Molly was often urged to get married and gave birth, and she often considered the issue of fertility:

"Before the future children arrive, I will try my best to meet the standards of a mother, including economic aspects, how to understand the needs of children, communicate, set a good example, and how to communicate and cooperate with my partner."

She wants to get everything ready before welcoming the baby, but the ovary waits for no one. 25 -30 years old is the best childbearing age, and it is too late when she is ready.

It is out of responsibility for future children that she wants to freeze eggs. "Save the seeds of hope while you are young."

Image from @ molly Molly

When she showed her ideas to her parents and boyfriends, they couldn’t understand and even strongly opposed them. It took Molly two years to convince her family and boyfriend.

She spent a lot of energy in persuading this matter. At first, she told her parents, "I don’t want children at all", then slowly transitioned to "I can adopt children" and finally told her parents that "I can freeze eggs". After slowly lowering her parents’ psychological expectations, she finally achieved "understanding".

So, her "frozen egg trip" finally took place.

Before taking eggs, women need to take and inject ovulation-promoting drugs to make multiple follicles develop in advance. Molly first had a B-ultrasound in the Shanghai hospital and sent the report to the American doctor. Then the doctor filled the medicine according to her actual situation, and Molly himself injected it on time.

Every morning at 9 o’clock, she gives herself an injection.

Molly gives himself injections on time every day.

Image from @ molly Molly

In addition, in order to keep the ovaries in the best condition and discharge the best eggs, she went to bed on time before 12 o’clock every day for three months before taking eggs, went to the gym for running and fitness, and maintained aerobic exercise for half an hour.

Image from @ molly Molly

Molly called eggs "eggs"

She insisted on running for the sake of "eggs"

Image from @ molly Molly

Even, she has made preparations for raising a baby in the future, and she carefully pays attention to the communication between parents and children around her.

While running by the river, Molly met a father and daughter. The daughter wanted to do something, but her father didn’t agree. Dad lured his daughter to the place he wanted her to go with a lollipop, but ignored her real needs. Molly thought, "This is not right. I don’t want to be such a mother. She still has a lot to learn in parenting. " /Image from @ molly Molly

After several weeks of drug ovulation, Molly’s left and right ovarian follicles add up to more than 30, and the number has met the surgical requirements.

She ended her treatment in Shanghai and came to the United States to prepare for the final egg retrieval operation.

Image from @ molly Molly

When she arrived in the United States, Molly was both excited and anxious. She had a series of tests, such as blood drawing, B-ultrasound and preoperative physical examination.

On the screen of B-ultrasound, she couldn’t help laughing when she saw the unformed egg. "The first time others saw B-ultrasound, they looked at the baby. I looked at the unformed egg."

Image from @ molly Molly

After three months of preparation, we finally reached the most critical step: taking eggs. Under the guidance of B-ultrasound, the doctor inserted a long needle into the vagina, penetrated into the ovary, and sucked out the follicles containing eggs.

Image from @ Secondshot

The operation lasted about half an hour because of anesthesia.

Molly felt no physical pain.

Image from @ molly Molly

The operation was very successful. The doctor successfully removed 17 eggs from Molly’s body, including 8 high-quality eggs that can be frozen. Only 2 eggs can be successfully "thawed" into fertilized eggs and make her pregnant.

These eggs will be frozen in a liquid nitrogen tank at MINUS 196 degrees Celsius. There they will go into a "dormant" state and stop their metabolism until one day, when Molly is ready to give birth, they will be taken out and thawed.

Liquid nitrogen tank in oocyte cryopreservation

Image from BILIBILI

Although there are only two babies who will be called future babies, Molly is very satisfied. She feels that when the child was an "egg", she had fallen in love with him deeply.

After the release of "Frozen Egg" Vlog, many netizens praised it, and left messages saying "I feel the same way" and "I feel deeply touched" and "Come on, you will definitely be a good mother in the future."

Image from @ molly Molly

In order to catch the golden period of the egg

She embarked on a difficult road.

Like Molly, 31-year-old Xu Zaozao wants to be a good mother in the future. She is a new media practitioner and has been drifting in the North for many years.

Xu Zaozao (first from the right) was interviewed by the media.

The picture comes from the wind video

When she was 30 years old, she had some anxiety. She could obviously feel the slow metabolism and began to gain weight.

At that stage, she had no boyfriend and her career was on the rise. In order to give herself a "baby insurance", she had heard of "frozen eggs" and she had the idea of freezing eggs.

She consulted a medical intermediary, and the price of freezing eggs in the United States was 100,000-200,000 RMB. "It is not so realistic for me to suddenly take out so much money."

Image from China News Service

Later, Xu Zaozao found a message: Experts estimated that the cost of domestic freezing was about 20,000 yuan.

So, she went to Beijing Maternity Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University to consult about frozen eggs and had a physical examination. The examination results met the requirements for frozen eggs. Just as Xu Zaozao was happy, the doctor asked, "Are you married now?"

Image from China News Service

After learning that Xu Zaozao was unmarried, the female doctor immediately rejected Xu Zaozao’s request for frozen eggs. "Frozen eggs for unmarried women are not supported in China." The female doctor also persuaded: "Do you want to get married? Hurry to have children. "

"Unmarried boys can go for sperm freezing, but girls are not allowed to oocyte cryopreservation. I want to leave a guarantee in the golden age of eggs, why not? " Xu Zao Zao felt very angry.

She said: "I don’t agree with the fact that women’s right to make their own choices has been naturally abolished."

Egg simulation diagram

Image from @ Phoenix. com

After careful consideration, she took the hospital to court for violating "general personality rights" (including reproductive rights, that is, the right to freely choose fertility and the right to freely choose fertility methods).

The lawyer told Xu Zaozao that he was not sure of winning the case, but Xu Zaozao insisted on appealing. Before the trial, she also sent 63 letters to the NPC deputies, but none of them received a reply.

On December 23, 2019, the "Frozen Egg Case" was opened. This case has aroused widespread concern from all walks of life. Before the trial, many media came to the scene. In front of the media, Xu Zaozao felt that "I have a feeling of standing with single women or women who are willing to give birth".

Xuzaozao (pseudonym)

The picture is from World Chinese Weekly.

During the debate during the trial, the defendant’s lawyer mentioned three points:

First, frozen eggs will delay the time for women to give birth, which will widen the age difference between parents and children, resulting in "menopause hitting adolescence".

Second, the ability of single-parent families to resist social risks is generally low.

The third is the risk of surgery. The first is the risk of anesthesia, and the second is that the gynecological examination in China is responsible for single women. (Generally) it is impossible to perform vaginal puncture surgery on unmarried women.

Xu Zaozao’s lawyer retorted: "Now that the divorce rate is so high, the number of single-parent families will increase, which should not let single births and frozen eggs take the blame. Regarding the risk, it can actually be solved by providing a preoperative risk notice. "

Image from interface news

On the day of the court session, Liang Jianzhang, founder and demographer of Ctrip, and Zhan Qingyun, doctor of law of Harvard University published an article entitled "The Right of Freezing Eggs of Single Women" to support Xu Zaozao. "The current law in China does not prohibit the reproductive rights of single women, so it is reasonable to respect the right of some capable women to choose another way to raise children."

As of today, the court has not pronounced a verdict, and Xu Zaozao is still waiting for the result.

After the media exposure, she was also under some pressure. Some people said, "Why did you sue the hospital? The hospital was also very wronged." "Are you a good lever? Why do you have to insist?"

However, Xu Zaozao insists on herself. "I just strive for women’s right to choose independently. If I lose, I will appeal again. I want to try all kinds of methods that I can try. After all, I have come here. "

It’s not easy to choose this road. She spent a lot of energy, time and money just trying to get a guarantee.

She said: "There are also many people who come to share the frozen egg experience with me, and they will encourage me. That is the resonance between women!" Everyone wants to guarantee future fertility in the golden age of eggs. "

Frozen eggs, to a certain extent, come from women’s sense of crisis about their fertility.

In Asia, a woman’s fertility is very important to her family. If she is unable to have children after marriage, she is likely to encounter a great family crisis.

The black line in the picture above represents the pregnancy rate.

It is true that in the biological sense of the school-age childbearing stage, friends around you will fall into various entanglements, and behind these troubles, the message of "not ready" is revealed.

Under the fast pace of modern society, we have not had time to understand all kinds of love and work, so we are pushed to the choice of marriage and childbirth by life.

Perhaps in this sense, "frozen eggs" are opening more possibilities for women’s life course?

Oocyte cryopreservation laboratory

Image source: Thumb worm

Frozen eggs are not necessarily "regret medicine", but as ordinary women, we are encouraged by various frozen egg stories that people don’t have to force themselves to arrange "when to do things".

Modern women are already too difficult, why not give them one more choice?

The purpose of choice is to make life more colorful. No matter what kind of life we choose, as long as we can bear the consequences, there is no right or wrong.

Source: Phoenix Video, Wind Video, @ molly Molly, WeChat official account Molly Luanbu, bilibili, etc.

Welcome to share with friends.

Author: Zhi Zhi, the elite says the author. Elite is a gathering place for global elites and international students. Publish frontier information at home and abroad every day, where there are new knowledge of studying abroad, elite stories and street visits in the United States.

Original title: "31-year-old beauty blogger broadcasts frozen eggs. How difficult is it to have a baby without getting married? 》

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9 am! AFC executives announced major news: Congratulations to China Football! The fans cheered in unison

China Football: Challenge and Hope

China football has been facing great challenges, especially in the international arena, the performance of China’s national football team has been unsatisfactory. This has aroused widespread concern and reflection, as well as full of expectations for the future of China football. However, the recent meeting between the president of AFC and the president of China Football Association has brought new support and hope to China football.

Commitment of FIFA President

The president of the Asian Football Association recently had an important meeting with the president of the China Football Association, and he said that he would fully support the revitalization of football in China. This commitment has aroused widespread discussion and concern, because the support of the AFC President is regarded as a key step for China football to return to the international stage. This also means that China football will get more resources and opportunities to improve the level of players, strengthen infrastructure construction and promote the all-round development of football.

The Spirit of Football in China

The history of China football is full of tenacity, unyielding, unity and enterprising spirit. Despite the enormous challenges, China football players have been full of determination and courage, and constantly strive to improve their own level. This spirit can be reflected on the court, and it also encourages more young people to devote themselves to the football cause and contribute to the development of football in China.

Badminton Competition in the Asian Games

Besides football, the Asian Games is also a grand gathering of various competitive sports, including badminton. The badminton competition in the last Asian Games attracted top players from all countries, who showed their high-level skills and competitive strength. These competitions also provide a platform for athletes from Asian countries to exchange and learn from each other.

China’s success.

In the badminton competition of the last Asian Games, China performed well and won many gold medals. This not only brought honor to the country, but also filled with hope for the future of badminton in China. The success of China Badminton Team is the pride of China Sports, and it has also inspired more young people to join badminton.

The charm of Asian badminton

Asian badminton competition is not only a grand event of competitive sports, but also an exchange of culture and friendship. Athletes from different countries learn from each other in the competition, and at the same time better understand and appreciate the charm of Asian badminton. This cross-cultural exchange not only promotes friendship, but also helps to promote the development of sports in Asia.


Football in China is facing great challenges, but it is also full of hope. The commitment of the AFC President has provided new support for the revitalization of China football, and the spirit of China football will continue to inspire the younger generation. At the same time, the badminton competition of the Asian Games shows the splendor and diversity of Asian sports, which brings more possibilities for the future of Asian sports. China Football and Asian Badminton are constantly moving forward, contributing to the development of sports.

Open a new bureau and start a new journey | The first release and application of "Wisdom Teacher Training Meta-Universe"

A few days ago, in the third "Love and Profession" activity in the first season of "Teacher Talk" in Guangzhou in the new era, held by the Bay Area Experimental School in Nansha District, Guangzhou, the digital twin wisdom teacher training meta-universe platform developed by Guangzhou Open University was officially released. This is one of the first practical projects of educational metauniverse in national colleges and universities, and it also marks an important step for Guangzhou Open University to comprehensively promote educational intelligence, explore the educational model of metauniverse, and promote the professional development of teachers in Guangzhou.

As the main implementation unit of Guangzhou’s "Pilot Area of Artificial Intelligence Boosting Teacher Team Construction of the Ministry of Education", Guangzhou Open University actively builds a regional teacher development big data center and artificial intelligence engine, expands the platform and resources of teacher education through multiple channels, builds a "smart teacher training" system for primary and secondary school teachers, and promotes the in-depth integration of new technologies and education and teaching. And through the collaborative innovation of enterprise alliance, we cooperated with China Telecom to research and develop the "Wisdom Teacher Training Metauniverse", which achieved remarkable results in the construction and application of Metauniverse. In 2022, the "5G+ Metauniverse Wisdom Teacher Training Construction" project won the third prize of the fifth "Blooming Cup" 5G Application Collection Competition of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. In 2023, the project "5G+ Wisdom Teacher Training Meta-Universe Platform Helps the Construction of Primary and Secondary School Teachers" won the third prize of the first "Xingzhi Cup" National Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Application Competition on Ecological Construction sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Guangzhou Open University and China Telecom’s technical team set up a digital twin metacosmic scene platform for this activity for the first time. From the aspects of technology, adaptation, scene, function and other applications, the functional applications of learning, socializing, meeting, activities and other scenes in the metacosmic space were fully demonstrated, providing more than 40 online teachers and offline participants with an immersive experience of three-dimensional, virtual and real integration and multi-sensory interaction. On-site participants can not only roam the virtual venue through the big screens on both sides of the venue, but also wear VR equipment in the meta-universe experience activity area to experience the virtual venue space; At the same time, online participants who enter the teacher’s meta-universe space can choose digital virtual characters to sit down and listen to lectures, realistically reproduce the real scene of the venue, build a three-dimensional integrated space scene, and immerse the meta-universe venue with real-time online interaction.

In this activity, Guangzhou Open University showed the participants the application functions of the "Wisdom Teacher Training Metauniverse" platform, mainly in the following aspects:

In the technical application, through the wisdom teacher training the scene construction ability of the cloud platform in the meta-universe, the layout of virtual space scenes, characters and content elements is built; Engineering development of 3D content and business logic through the key technology and capability base of cloud platform in the meta-universe; Support flexible deployment methods such as public cloud, private cloud and hybrid cloud through the convergence ability of platform and cloud network in the meta-universe cloud; Through digital multimedia technologies such as VR and digital twinning, 3D modeling is carried out for teaching and training elements such as characters, environment and props to create a multi-dimensional immersive classroom; Using artificial intelligence, speech recognition and other technologies to enhance the interactive effect.

In the adaptation application, the digital twin wisdom teacher training meta-universe adopts communication technologies such as 5G communication and cloud network convergence to broaden the application dimension, and supports multi-terminal access experiences such as mobile phone, VR, PC and cloud rendering.

In the scene application, according to the original teaching and training scenes, the design innovation was carried out, and technologies such as 5G, VR, digital reconstruction, live broadcast and virtual digital were used to create a number of immersive online education and training scenes for the first time, namely: public service hall (customized classroom of Education Bureau), ladder classroom (meta-universe classroom) (classroom teaching theme), conference discussion room (meta-universe interactive room) (interactive discussion and training) and school auditorium (meta-universe).

In terms of functional application, the built scenes all support multi-person online collaboration in different places, and realize multi-person communication, discussion, interaction and other activities.

The event was broadcast live online to teachers in the city, and more than 400,000 viewers attended the event online, witnessing the application of the digital twin wisdom teacher training meta-cosmic technology, which was a complete success. In order to break the limitation of geography and time and space, realize the new format of online and offline integrated teaching and research in different places, and solve the problem of unbalanced educational development between regions, schools and urban and rural areas, a successful social experiment was carried out, which was an important practice for further promoting the construction of teachers’ team with new technologies such as artificial intelligence, empowering educational innovation, and promoting the modernization of education in Guangzhou with the high-quality development of "smart teacher training".

Reply to comments on Wen Xin’s words

There are still 9 days before the release of Baidu Wenxin’s words. The essay I sent before about Baidu Wenxin’s words was very heated. Based on your comments, I have the following questions. Although I didn’t reply at that time, I will summarize them as follows:

1 Many people are not optimistic about Baidu Wenxin’s products, especially Baidu’s independent innovation mentioned in the article, and many people even scoff. Baidu’s attitude towards artificial intelligence is "All in". In 2013, the world’s first deep learning research institute was established. It has been in this field for 10 years, and the accumulated R&D investment in the past 10 years has exceeded 100 billion yuan. In 2021, core R&D accounted for 23%. By 2021, the number of AI patents held by Baidu was in the top two in the world, with more than 9,000 cases. Do you think Baidu’s AI products are just research and development patents? In terms of software, Baidu has the intelligent transportation scheme Apollo RT6, the self-driving travel service platform "Radish Run", the world’s first AI aerospace model under the Wenxin model, AI digital people Hijiajia and Du Xiaoxiao, and in terms of hardware, it has added intelligent fitness mirror M30, small voice intelligent alarm clock and small big screen eye protection learning machine P20, and small audio. After years of AI technology accumulation, Baidu Wenxin stood at the top of the wave and suddenly looked back.

Many people have a bad impression of Baidu, because Baidu started out as a search company and did a lot of mercenary things because of profits. Now, Baidu’s "All in" artificial intelligence is a huge engine for future economic growth, thus fundamentally improving production efficiency, liberating people’s physical strength and brain, accelerating innovation, expanding application scope and pushing social development into a new stage. Artificial intelligence is the core technology of the fourth scientific and technological revolution, which provides a historic opportunity for industrial upgrading and a huge engine for economic and social development. By 2030, the contribution of artificial intelligence to the world economy will reach 16 trillion US dollars. By 2035, artificial intelligence is expected to promote China’s labor productivity by 27% and China’s GDP growth by nearly 2%. As the strongest artificial intelligence company in China at this stage, Baidu has a long way to go.

Some people think Wen Xin’s name is ugly. Here, I have to say that Mr. Li Yanhong of Baidu, although in the most advanced technology industry, is brilliant. Baidu "even though you are looking for him for thousands of Baidu, suddenly looking back, the man is in the dim light", Feijiang "smells of flying oars, and the literary heart and the literary heart say a word," Wen Xin Diao Long ""The mind is born, the words are civilized, and the way of nature is also. " "A word with less meaning is meaningless, and a long sentence is a hindrance." These names are full of ancient romantic feelings.

Qin Chuangyuan Energy Jintong District Science and Technology Small and Micro Enterprise Tour Explore Information Technology Application New Scene

Qin Chuangyuan is the main platform for the innovation driving development in Shaanxi Province. It is a new highland of science and technology innovation and is the source of innovative driving development. Should shoulders to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, build a common technological research and development platform, and realize the development of school-based school enterprises, innovative talents education, and promote the depth of political research and research.

The energy Jinjiao area is closely surrounding the construction goals of Qin Chuanggen in Xixian New District, take the initiative to build the target, active as a strong, and strive to create Qin Chuanggen innovative drive platform total window central business support area. The increasingly perfect space carrier and supporting construction of the park attracted a large number of high-quality enterprises.

Present in this issue

Qin Chuangyuan Energy Jintiao District

Science and technology micro enterprise tour

Take everyone to meet four

Enterprises engaged in information technology related applications

1. Shaanxi Yisi Intelligent Measurement Co., Ltd.

Shaanxi Yisi Intelligent Measurement and Control Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise focused on automated measurement and control field. It is committed to automated measurement and control system, high-voltage / ultra-high-speed electronic load, high-precision sensor, visual automation detection and image recognition, simulation test platform, numerical Product R & D, production and sales in the field of biological technology; providing intelligent machinery, electricity, control, soft integrated solutions for high-end manufacturing users. At present, products have been widely used in aerospace, energy, environmental monitoring, intelligent laboratory and other industries. The company has 5 utility model patents, 1 appearance patent and 8 computer software copyrights.

2, Xi’an Spoon Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

Xi’an Spoon Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise integrating R & D, production and sales. Spoon Technology has a strong R & D team that integrates the depth of each technical sector, close to the industry demand, and gradually forms the three special technical sections of GIS + Internet of Things, AI, XR.

The company is based on the geographic information platform with independent intellectual property, integrated the Internet, Beidou / 4G / 5G, artificial intelligence and other technology, information, intelligent management, intelligent management, intelligent management It provides powerful support. Relying on the contemporary new research results, in terms of project segmentation, target detection, long sequence data analysis in terms of project segmentation, target detection, long sequence data analysis, has been initially achieved, and the application is consolidated for subsequent AI industry applications. . At the same time, XR technology is applied to tourism experience, construction teaching and multi-field training, has achieved remarkable results, and innovatively integrates XR technology with unmanned flight platforms, and created a unique tourism experience.

3, Shaanxi Song Yiyun Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Shaanxi Song Yiyun Information Technology Co., Ltd. was established in May 2021, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shaanxi Songyi Software Development Co., Ltd. The company is integrated into government-owned management and aerospace products through the Internet and block chains and large data technology. It is a professional, strong technical force, intelligent information service provider. Mainly provide information system integration services, large data services; network and information security software development, data processing services, artificial intelligence application software development, artificial intelligence public data platform, satellite technology integration system integration, etc.

4, Xi’an Orange Space Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Xi’an Orange Space Information Technology Co., Ltd. is a dedicated to providing users with multi-scale electronic map data production, BIM, laser point cloud scanning and three-dimensional modeling, geographic information system development and application, CIM and digital twin urban application and other surveying and mapping geographic information High-tech technology enterprises in technical services. The company focuses on the field of smart urban spatial information construction, comprehensive use of multi-source geographic information technology and data, and in-depth development of panoramic holographic geographic information data applications. In smart cities, municipal facilities, underground space, accident emergency management (natural disaster and urban security, etc.), mine, cultural heritage protection, urban monitoring and architectural design, etc., provide multi-faceted three-dimensional modeling service, meeting Multi-industry multi-dimensional time and space information data needs.

Energy Jintiao will continue to surround

Qin Chuanggencino Drive Platform Total Window

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Source: Sina Shaanxi

Editor: Guo Yingxia

Never released John Lennon recording sells for $58,300 at Danish auction

A cassette tape recording of an interview with John Lennon and Yoko Ono, including a never-released song, made while they visited Denmark in 1970 sold for 370,000 Danish crowns ($58,300) at an auction in Copenhagen on Tuesday.

The tape, featuring the unreleased song Radio Peace, was recorded on Jan. 5, 1970 by four 16-year-old Danish boys who succeeded in getting an interview with the couple for a school magazine.

Bids for the cassette tape, which was put up for sale along with photographs from the meeting by the former school boys, started at 100,000 crowns. The lot was valued between 200,000 and 300,000 crowns ($31,500-$47,000) before the auction.

It was not immediately known who bought the recording.

During the 33-minute recording, Lennon speaks about the couple’s peace campaign, his frustration with the Beatles’ image and the length of his hair.

The recording also features Lennon and Ono humming along to Christmas songs while dancing around a Christmas tree, Lennon playing the guitar and the couple singing “Give Peace a Chance” and “Radio Peace.”

The up-tempo song, which repeats the words “this is Radio Peace,” refers to a radio station of the same name that Lennon and Ono hoped to establish in Amsterdam, the auction house said.