标签归档 杭州西湖妃子阁

Controversy frequently occurs. Is the novel "melting stalks" a re-creation or plagiarism?

  □ Rule of Law Daily reporter Sun Tianjiao

  □ rule of law daily intern Chen Lier

  Not long ago, the dispute between Shen Nanqiao, a novelist, and Jiuyuexi over plagiarism aroused social concern. Shen Nanqiao posted on the social platform that in Jiuyuexi’s novel "A City Waiting for You", the character setting, personality and experience of the "fake brother and sister" are similar to those in his work "I’m only afraid that I love you", and a "palette" (a table comparing the plagiarized text with the original text) is listed. Jiuyuexi quickly counterattacked, listing "counter-offer" (refutation of "palette"), saying that there was no plagiarism, and "legal weapons are welcome to properly protect rights".

  In recent years, the word "melting stalk" has been frequently packaged with plagiarism, which has been called "more covert plagiarism" by many online novel writers and readers. There is no official definition of "melting stalk", which is usually considered that the other party has not copied the original text word for word, but the core plot of the story development is very similar to the character setting.

  In an interview with the reporter of the Rule of Law Daily, many experts believe that "melting stalks" is not completely equivalent to plagiarism in the sense of copyright law, but there is a great possibility of infringing copyright, and some of them are tantamount to "advanced plagiarism". In practice, it is difficult to prove and defend the rights of controversial works. We should be wary of beautifying "melting stalks" as "reference" and "tribute", so that defenders will be discouraged, plagiarists will escape punishment and the creative enthusiasm of the original creators will be dampened.

  Controversy over stem melting frequently occurs.

  Whether plagiarism is difficult to judge.

  At the beginning of this year, Ms. Tian of Changchun City, Jilin Province found that her work published on the online platform was "melted", and the name, cover and theme of the other work were highly similar to the original article. "It can be said that it was directly taken down."

  What makes Ms. Tian even more shocked is that the people who "melt" her works are her fans and often interact with themselves in the comment area. Ms. Tian then confided in the other party privately. At first, the other party denied the "melting stalk", but admitted it after seeing the comparison of the two works made by Ms. Tian.

  In the end, the result of the negotiation between the two parties was that the other party publicly apologized to Ms. Tian on the publishing platform and put the apology statement on the top. Seeing the apology statement of the other party, Ms. Tian wanted to further defend her rights, but she felt that the work was "broken" and not simply copied.

  According to the reporter’s investigation, there are frequent disputes about "melting stalks" in current novels, especially online novels.

  Previously, the work "Fairy Tale Sequel" by the author of a web platform was accused by netizens of "melting stalks" and many other works, including the design of male and female hosts and the key plot points. In the end, Muque tweeted an apology to the author, Ear Dong Rabbit, saying that she had "borrowed too much" in her description. At present, the online platform shows that "Fairy Tale Sequel" is illegal.

  The reporter searched on major online platforms with the word "melting stalks" and found that many online writers posted that their works were "melting stalks". For the behavior of "melting stalks", the vast majority of authors scoff. One author with millions of fans once wrote an article bluntly: "There are so many core stalks in a text, which person who writes with real skills is not clear? I resolutely resist the situation of melting stalks and copying stalks. I also sincerely hope that all my readers will resist this kind of behavior. This is the protection of the original author. Otherwise originality will die. "

  For the behavior of "melting stalks", many readers bluntly said that it was "completely unacceptable". Huang Shushu (pseudonym) of Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province said: "Compared with plagiarism, ‘ Melt stalks ’ Behavior is more unbearable to some extent. Because word-for-word plagiarism can directly prove it, but it is ‘ Melt stalks ’ It is often difficult for authors to prove themselves, and some ‘ Melt stalks ’ Some people still call it ‘ Learn from ’ Or ‘ Coincidence ’ 。”

  However, some readers said that they don’t mind whether the novel is "melting". Silent (pseudonym), who went to college in Haidian, Beijing, thinks that "melting stalks" is different from plagiarism, and plagiarism is an imitation of "a large area", while "melting stalks" is only a reference for a small part of the plot. "If ‘ Melt stalks ’ Part is not the core of the work, and it will not affect my perception of the novel. "

  Xu Yaoming, executive vice president of the Network Literature Research Institute of Central South University, said that "melting stalks" is not a legal term, but an online buzzword. It is generally believed that "melting stalks" refers to the act of collecting the creativity of all parties in the process of online literature creation and borrowing other people’s intellectual achievements in the aspects of character setting and story routine. "Melting stalks" is not completely equivalent to plagiarism in the sense of copyright law, but in practice, "melting stalks" does have a great possibility of infringing copyright.

  Wang Zhengzhi, a partner of Gawain Law Firm and director of all china lawyers association Intellectual Property Committee, told the reporter that from a legal point of view, "melting stalks" and plagiarism cannot be equated. The word "plagiarism" corresponds to the act of "plagiarizing other people’s works" in the context of copyright law, and the plagiarist should bear legal responsibility. The word "melting stem" is not spoken in French illegally, and the boundary is unknown. The object and degree of "melting stem" may affect the legal evaluation of "melting stem" behavior. "Not all ‘ Melt stalks ’ Acts constitute infringement in copyright law. "

  During the interview, some network writers said that it is precisely because of the above characteristics of "melting stalks" that "there are hardships".

  Ms. Yuan, an online writer from Gansu, posted on the social platform that her article was "broken by two big brothers for many times", but she knew that if she worked hard to make a "palette", there was a high probability that the other party would not be sanctioned, and it would "attract other plagiarists to step on it". She told reporters that the writers who were "melted", despite their anger, most of them would not defend their rights and spit on social accounts at most. "Because there is no way ‘ Beat to death ’ The other side, the official also has no ‘ Melt stalks ’ A clear definition, too true, may bring trouble to yourself. "

  According to the reporter’s investigation, when the author or reader puts forward that a work is suspected of "melting stalks", he usually sends out a "palette" between the original work and the plagiarized work, including the specific release time of the work, the specific scene description in the article, the development context of the story, and the personality setting of the characters in the novel, and compares the similarities or even similarities between the two works one by one.

  However, many times the "palette" is not convincing enough. Ms. Chen, a citizen of Beijing, has been reading online novels for nearly 10 years, and has also witnessed many online novel writers or readers denouncing them in the form of "palette". She said that the problem of "melting stalks" involves the setting of characters, the background of the story, the trend of the plot, etc. It is difficult to present an overview in one or two sentences. "Some authors ‘ Hammer ’ Others, mixed with a lot of their own opinions and emotions, hang people ‘ Melt stalks ’ Examples of the final rollover are also everywhere. "

  Strict conditions for infringement

  It is difficult to protect rights by melting stalks

  Judging from the investigation, the dispute of "melting stalks" often stays in the online battle between the two sides, and most of them go away. Only a few authors choose to protect their rights through law.

  In March, 2022, network writer Zuzhan issued a document saying that his case of suing another network writer, Jiu Yuexi’s Xiao Nanfeng, for infringing the copyright of his work Hug You Over Time had been filed. This case is also the first one to go to the litigation stage after the establishment of the anti-plagiarism fund initiated by writer Zhuang Yu.

  According to the official response of the Anti-Plagiarism Fund, most of the elements in Xiao Nanfeng, including the story background, structure and narrative context, come from Hug You Over Time, and even the characters can correspond to each other one by one, but none of the sentences in the two works are completely coincident. "The descriptions and dialogues of the sentences in the closest situation are also slightly different."

  According to lawyer Yue Shenshan, a member of the Anti-Plagiarism Fund Management Committee, after four months, the Anti-Plagiarism Fund invited experts and college student volunteers to read and compare the two works, and decided to give assistance on the basis of summarizing the reading reports issued by the volunteers who participated in the reading comparison. At present, the case has been heard twice.

  What is the difficulty of judicial rights protection in the dispute of "melting stalks"?

  Wang Zhengzhi believes that, on the one hand, novels accused of "melting stalks" are often popular works, and defenders will face great public pressure to resort to legal channels. On the other hand, if we resort to the law, the judicial determination of the infringement of literary works is still unclear, and there are great differences between cases; Even if the case is won, the amount of compensation is often out of proportion to the time and energy invested.

  In Xu Yaoming’s view, in addition to the high litigation cost, the difficulty in determining the nature of infringement has greatly lengthened the trial cycle of such "advanced plagiarism" cases, and at the same time tested the professional standards of plaintiff lawyers and judges.

  According to public information, in 2019, the Chaoyang District People’s Court of Beijing made a judgment on the plagiarism case of 12 writers v. Splendid Weiyang. The first instance found that the plagiarism was established, and ordered the defendant Zhou Jing (pen name Qin Jian) to immediately stop the copying, distribution and online communication of the novel Splendid Weiyang from the effective date of the judgment, and compensate the plaintiff for economic losses. There are many places in the novel "Splendid Weiyang" that directly copy the original texts of other novels, and some of the contents are accused of "melting stalks", but the expression is "cleverly" re-created. After the dust settled in this case, many netizens sighed with emotion: "‘ Melt stalks ’ Finally, I have the hope of identifying plagiarism. "

  Xie Yujia, a judge of the Intellectual Property Court of Chaoyang Court, said that when the specific expression of the originality of the right work and the accused work is substantially similar, the court may consider that the accused work constitutes infringement. First of all, we need to confirm the samples for comparison, that is, the specific expression parts of the right works and the accused works. If the relationship between characters and the setting of specific plots are rich enough, they can be regarded as concrete expressions. "Copyright does not protect ideas. Only when the concrete expressions are substantially similar can it be regarded as copyright infringement."

  Xie Yujia said that the difficulty in identifying the infringement of "Ronggeng" works lies in the distinction between adaptation and reasonable reference. Adaptation, that is, on the basis of the original work, produces a new deductive work through its own creative activities. Although the author of the adapted work has also paid creative labor, it is an infringement without the permission of the original author. Drawing lessons may refer to the act of simply using the ideas of the right works instead of expressing them, or it may refer to rational use.

  "Ideological reference does not involve the original achievements of works that infringe rights, and it is usually not considered as copyright infringement. However, whether the specific expression of reference constitutes infringement depends on the proportion of reference content. The consideration of this ratio should not only be considered quantitatively, but also from the perspective of the importance of learning from the content and the originality of expression, that is, the qualitative dimension. The evaluation criteria need to be analyzed in combination with specific cases. " Xie Yujia said.

  Take relevant cases as guidance.

  Properly protect original works

  According to Xu Yaoming, in recent years, the number of cases involving "advanced plagiarism" has increased. In June this year, the Network Literature Research Institute of Central South University and Hubei Copyright Protection Association published "Ten Typical Judicial Cases of Copyright Protection of Online Literature in China in 2022", which included two cases involving novel plagiarism.

  In the case of copyright infringement between Zhu Ruyue and a publishing company limited, Luo Mou and a publishing media group limited, Zhu Ruyue believed that the first to ninth chapters in The Legend of Hailanzhu were the creation of the novel "Walking Alone in the World", and plagiarized in 17 main plots, 10 general plots and many sentences, so he sued the court. After trial, the court held that judging from the similar main plot, general plot and sentence length of the two works, it is not within reasonable limits to combine the overall expression ratio of the works. Luo and a publishing company were sentenced to stop publishing infringing books, apologize and compensate economic losses (including reasonable expenses for rights protection) of 70,000 yuan.

  The reporter combed the public information and found that the author accused of "melting stalks" often argued that it did not constitute plagiarism on the grounds that "similar content and plot belong to the public domain material category or customary expression".

  In this regard, Xie Yujia explained with cases that in literary works, it usually involves the identification of "specific situation", "limited expression" and "public domain material". When considering whether the works and contents formed on the basis of using specific situations, limited expressions and public domain materials are protected by copyright law, we should focus on judging whether the author has added original wisdom expressions to give original meaning to related achievements. If the content of the relevant work is enough to be regarded as a concrete expression, the burden of proof lies with the defendant as to whether it belongs to a specific situation or not.

  Wang Zhengzhi believes that for the new phenomenon in the field of literary creation, the past methods of infringement judgment are facing many difficulties in application, and the court urgently needs to explore and form appropriate judgment rules and methods to accurately identify the behavior of "melting stalks" in specific circumstances, which can neither make the author unreasonably monopolize the public domain elements, nor make the word "melting stalks" an excuse for plagiarists to evade legal responsibility, and make legal weapons a reliable way for original authors to protect their rights, so that plagiarists dare not use "melting stalks" as an excuse.

  In Xu Yaoming’s view, the existence of the dispute of "melting stalks" is in the final analysis the existence of plagiarism. Plagiarism in online literature should be tackled from the source, that is, the original platform of online literature should earnestly shoulder the responsibility, strengthen the examination of online novels, and provide a harmonious and healthy atmosphere for writers and readers at the platform level. With the deep application of artificial intelligence, big data and algorithms in the field of copyright protection, it is expected to strengthen source governance through technical means in the future. At the same time, the state and relevant departments should do a good job in legislative norms and guidance, and take measures to ban the bad network authors who have repeatedly involved plagiarism.

  Yue Shenshan believes that there should be a dividing line between "melting stalks" and plagiarism, and plagiarism can be recognized beyond this line. However, due to the particularity of literary and artistic creation and the lag of law, there is no such clear distinction standard in the field of copyright infringement. The anti-plagiarism special fund also hopes to popularize copyright-related knowledge and advocate public respect for copyright and intellectual copyright by helping and dismantling some typical cases.

  Xie Yujia told reporters that in recent years, the courts have strictly implemented measures related to intellectual property protection, increased compensation for infringement damages, actively studied and handled new types of cases, and effectively protected the legitimate rights and interests of copyright owners. "Under the new industrial changes and the rapid development of the digital economy, new problems in the field of copyright emerge one after another. We will continue to improve the trial level of copyright disputes through the summary of case adjudication experience. " 

Eat fish in spring, you can’t miss it! Meat with less fat and thorns is delicious in season and can be eaten by the whole family!

"Plum blossoms in the snow in the first month, peach blossoms in February, boiled garlic in March, and no scaling in April", all kinds of aquatic products have their own "golden taste period", and March in the lunar calendar is the perfect time to taste pomfret, so don’t miss it ~

Delicious and nutritious.

It’s especially worth eating recently

Now is the breeding season of pomfret. They swim from the open sea to the inland sea to lay eggs. After a lot of exercise and adequate food, the meat quality will become more compact and plump, and the taste is very good.

Moreover, pomfret basically has only one rib head in the middle, with less thorns and more meat, which is very convenient to eat. It is a fish suitable for the whole family.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that pomfret belongs to spleen and stomach meridian, which has the functions of dredging meridian, nourishing blood, smoothing joints, softening tendons and bones, tonifying stomach and replenishing essence, and is very suitable for people with indigestion, aching bones and muscles and fatigue. It is also mentioned in the compendium of materia medica that it can "benefit qi".

From the point of view of modern nutrition, pomfret also performed well:

First of all, it is rich in high-quality protein, with a protein content of about 18.5 grams per 100 grams, and its absorption and digestion rate is relatively high;

Secondly, as a marine fish, it contains unsaturated fatty acids such as DHA and EPA, and its cholesterol content is relatively low;

The potassium content of pomfret is as high as 328 mg/100 g, and the contents of trace elements such as magnesium and phosphorus are also rich.

In addition, the mercury content of pomfret is relatively low, so it is safer and more secure to eat.

Pick pomfret

These four points must be optimistic.

There are many kinds of pomfret, such as silver pomfret, golden pomfret and white pomfret, which are common in the market at present, and the price difference is also quite large.

Like silver pomfret, it is silvery white and tastes very delicious, but because it is difficult to breed artificially, it is basically wild at present, so the price will be relatively expensive; Golden pomfret and white pomfret, though not as good as silver pomfret in taste, are generally more affordable.

When choosing, you can look for the following four points:

1 Fish eyes should be clear.

The eyes of fresh pomfret are bright, clear and not sunken; However, the pomfret stored for a long time will obviously sink its eyes and look cloudy.

2 fish scales should be complete

The quality of pomfret with complete scales, close to the fish body and luster is usually better; However, pomfret with flabby scales and a lack of luster are generally not very fresh.

3 gills should be bright red.

Uncover the gill cover of pomfret, if the gill silk is bright red, it means it is fresh; If the gill silk is dark red or dark purple, it means that it has been stored for a long time and it is not recommended to buy it.

4 press to rebound

Gently press the fish body, if the pressed part can rebound immediately, it means that the pomfret is fresh; If the rebound is slow, or there is a depression at the press, it indicates that the pomfret is not fresh.

These two ways of eating

You must try it at home.

The common practices of pomfret are steaming, braising, dry frying, etc. In some places, it is also used to make porridge, which is fresh, tender, smooth and delicious!

Today, Xiao Er recommended to mix pomfret with tomatoes and mushrooms. The color is bright and fresh, which will definitely bring you a different taste experience ~

Stir-fried pomfret with mushrooms in tomato sauce

(CCTV goes home for dinner)


Don’t want to go to work It may be these four aspects.

Editor’s Note: The 98-year-old Japanese granny Inspur said in "Enjoy Your Life" that working is actually to earn money to support yourself. Indeed, most people do. Nigerian writer Adiqi wrote in Women’s Rights that we don’t have to like the work itself. It’s a revelation. This article may further free you from the "don’t want to go to work" curse. This article is compiled from Psychology Today, the original author, career coach Brynn Johson, the original title:4 Insights on Why You Don’t Want to Go to Work.

Maybe you silently repeat when you get up every morning, "I don’t want to go to work today."

Maybe you think every night, "I don’t want to go to work tomorrow."

Maybe you know in your heart, "I don’t want to go to work anymore, but I need money."

Of course, there will be times when everyone doesn’t want to get up, start a new day or go to work. Commuting is a burden, and the boss is a terrible existence.

But what if you keep doing this?

If this is your case, it’s probably a bigger problem. You need more than just encouraging your podcast or Starbucks double espresso latte. If you have a work-life crisis, you need to think about what the core problem is, so that you can "cure the root" instead of "cure the surface".

But, first of all, I think you know this, but I still want to mention:You have to work. No matter what job it is. Unless you are very rich, in which case, take care of your money and enjoy life.

The essence of life is that we must make a living. However, people don’t realize that, in fact, we can largely determine how our work makes us feel.

I am not a millennial generation who likes to entertain foolish ideas. Well, I’m a millennial generation, but I grew up in the Midwest and witnessed my parents go through the ups and downs of the oil industry. They tried to feed us. I understand professional ethics. I also have a work ethic. I’m also optimistic,I believe that if we work hard enough, everything will eventually get better.

If you don’t like something, there must be a way to improve it, even a little.I never believe in the idea of "living one day, bumping into the clock one day, and being grateful that I still have a job".

Now let’s look at some of the main reasons why you don’t want to go to work tomorrow. These are some common factors that clients don’t want to go to work in my professional coaching career.

Usually, you don’t want to go to work, and the reasons behind it may be: work, family, health and expectations. Every factor will bring you the feeling that you don’t want to go to work again.

Probably a colleague who doesn’t get along. You may not like commuting. You don’t like people heating fish in the microwave in the lounge. Or office life is not for you.

In 2020, we all have a lot of home office experience. According to a survey by Global Workplace Analytics, 77% of the employees interviewed like the flexibility brought by working from home, 69% are satisfied with their physical and mental health, and 76% want to continue working from home after the epidemic.

But if you are one of the 24% people who don’t want to continue working from home, your job satisfaction will not be restored until you return to the office and stop having so many Zoom meetings.

It is a fact that HR knows that employees’ private lives have a great influence on their work schedules. Private life can also affect job satisfaction. If your private life is too stressful for you to pay attention to or enjoy your work, you can choose to talk to your employer. Here are some things you can do to curb the influence of private life on your work (from Forbes).

  1. Talk to your boss or employer.

  2. Don’t talk too much about personal life.

  3. When using electronic products, set the boundaries between public and private.

  4. Separate private life from work.

  5. Try company counseling.

  6. Give yourself a break.

  7. Meet your emotional needs.

If you have no energy, usually, you also have no motivation. Your health is an important part of job performance and job enjoyment. Ensure adequate sleep, healthy diet and regular exercise. If you think that your job makes you lack energy, it’s actually a problem that will accompany you when you change jobs.

Note that I didn’t say that you should make sure when you go to bed, how many calories you eat, or how much intermittent training you do. This is because each of us has different needs for calories. What works for one person may not work for another.

As for diet and exercise, you may know how to deal with it. But as far as sleep is concerned, you can first understand your "time pattern" and what time you like to do. In fact, some people’s sleep habits are naturally different, which will also affect your job satisfaction.

Another reason why you don’t want to go to work is that you have many common misunderstandings about how work should be done. These misunderstandings make you believe that work is painful and make you don’t want to go to work again. As follows:

In order to make money, I must work hard even if I don’t like it.

Hard work doesn’t mean suffering.In fact, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology) shows that the quality of experience is related to the flow state. The author was previously titled Beyond Boredom and Anxiety (Beyond Boredom and AnxietyIn a research paper, "flow" is defined as "the state of peak enjoyment, energy focus and creative concentration experienced by people in adult games, which has become the basis of a highly creative lifestyle."

The initial study found that all the factors that predict the quality of experience (except leisure and motivation) are more influenced by the state of flow rather than "being in the state of work or leisure". Excitedly, flow state is more common at work than at leisure. What is the point? Compared with unemployment, work may give you a better experience-as long as you can achieve a flow experience at work. Although a little effort is made at the beginning (remember, motivation is not positively affected by flow), flow is a state of pleasure like a party.

In the current economy, it is good to have a job, even if you don’t like it.

I won’t be overly optimistic: the job market is not good now. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the COVID-19 epidemic has brought about a soaring unemployment rate, and our economy will not recover until 2030.

However, it is still possible to change to a new job.

The trend of working from home will continue. In this case, you can apply for a lot more jobs than the previous commuting distance requirement. This has greatly expanded your employment.

In addition, people are saving at home instead of traveling. Some people suspect that there will be explosive consumption after the vaccine is effective, and many companies need to find more people to meet the demand.

In addition, in 2021, work is not the only way to make money. The United States has experienced a "entrepreneurial wave", and many newly unemployed people apply for companies and start their own businesses.

Many people have also begun to enter the "odd-job economy", working one project at a time. Many people have signed up for freelance websites such as Fiverr and Upwork, and you might think that supply will exceed demand. However, due to these new entrepreneurs I mentioned earlier, freelance jobs are also growing.

That’s the way work is. Nobody likes it.

It is common to complain about work with friends. It can release stress. However, not everyone hates work. I assure you, you know at least one person who likes his job.If they can, why can’t you?Writing and exploring yourself may help you.

  • What would it be like if you could make money and enjoy it?

  • What will it be like to make money without pressure?

By the way, I know that when you are stuck in the mentality of "I don’t like work", you may not want to write at all, but it is useful-I promise you with my career coaching certificate and my degree in psychology.

Most people know what they don’t want. It’s simple. But it is very difficult to find what you want. We have never learned this matter.

Thinking about what you really want is neither superficial nor indulgent. It is very effective.

Because even if we don’t realize what we want, we will always find ways to achieve it. We can also let it surface, admit it and get what we want earlier.

  • Close your eyes. Where do you want to go most?

  • If you could go back in time, which career would you choose?

  • If you could get a job without an interview, what would it be?

  • Recommended reading:

How to correctly understand the state of "boredom"? 》

Translator: Shen Chenye


Zotye Motor expects the net loss to narrow to 750 million yuan at most last year, and the vehicle sales volume is small.

Zotye automobile IC data map
Zotye Auto is still losing money.
On January 29th, Zotye Automobile Co., Ltd. (Zotye Automobile, 000980) issued a performance forecast, saying that it is estimated that the company will achieve operating income of 680 million yuan to 800 million yuan in 2023, and 783 million yuan in the same period in 2022. The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies is-750 million yuan to-900 million yuan, which is 1%-17.48% narrower than the loss in the same period in 2022, and the loss in the same period in 2022 is 910 million yuan; After deducting non-recurring gains and losses, the net profit is-800 million yuan to-1 billion yuan, which is 1.26%-21.01% lower than the loss in the same period in 2022, and the loss in the same period in 2022 is 1.013 billion yuan.
In response to the performance loss, Zotye Automobile said that on the one hand, compared with 2022, the company’s vehicle sales revenue increased in 2023, but the income of auto parts and door business decreased due to the market environment, so the overall income decreased.
On the other hand, in 2023, the company’s vehicle business is still recovering, and the sales volume is small. At the same time, the company plans to make provision for asset impairment and bad debts totaling about 300 million yuan to 400 million yuan, so the overall performance is still at a loss.
Zotye has not released sales information. According to the semi-annual report of 2023, the company’s vehicle production and sales in the first half of 2023 were 872 and 652 respectively.
Combined with the information previously disclosed by Zotye, the "vehicle sales revenue" mentioned in the financial report refers to the Zotye T300 model, which is the first off-line vehicle after Zotye’s bankruptcy and reorganization.
As the "king of the cottage" among self-owned brand car companies, Zotye Automobile has also been favored by the market, but the good times did not last long. On September 1, 2020, Zotye announced that the bankruptcy reorganization application of Tieniu Group, the controlling shareholder of the company, had been accepted by the court. During the one-year period from June 2020 to June 2021, Zotye Automobile and its eight subsidiaries were successively accepted for bankruptcy by the court. In 2021, the whole vehicle production of Zotye Automobile stopped completely.
On June 9, 2021, Jinhua Intermediate People’s Court ruled to accept the reorganization application of Zotye Automobile. Until September 30, 2021, Jiangsu Shenshang Holding Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Jiangsu Shenshang") was identified as a restructuring investor, and Zotye Automobile was "resurrected" with the help of 2 billion restructuring investment funds.
At the end of 2021, Zotye completed the reorganization and began to resume production. On October 20, 2022, the new T300 car of the company successfully started to roll off the assembly line at Yongkang base, and the vehicle business began to operate.
On November 2, 2022, Zotye Automobile announced that the company’s stock will cancel other risk warnings from November 3, 2022, and the stock abbreviation will be changed from "ST Zotye" to "Zotye Automobile".
On January 29th, Zotye Motor fell 4.23% to close at 2.49 yuan/share.
(This article is from The Paper, please download the "The Paper" APP for more original information)

Financial security upgrade again.

In 2023, Huaihua Branch of the People’s Bank of China actively took a series of innovative measures, including holding a series of anti-money laundering knowledge competitions, holding a "City-wide Symposium on Anti-money Laundering" and "Huaihua City Promotion Meeting on Combating and Governing Money Laundering Crimes", and strengthening the anti-money laundering compliance supervision of legal entities within its jurisdiction, constantly consolidating the cooperation mechanism with the Commission for Discipline Inspection, public security, procuratorate, court, customs and other relevant member units, and committed to preventing money laundering risks from the source. Through strong public opinion propaganda and effective

(2023 Huaihua Postal Savings Cup Anti-money Laundering and Anti-fraud Knowledge Competition)

Comprehensively improve quality and efficiency

Promote training by meeting, be clear about goals and be strong in ability. At the beginning of 2023, Huaihua Branch of the People’s Bank of China guided financial institutions to make clear their goals, and put forward new requirements of "five increases and five decreases" by convening the anti-money laundering work meeting of financial institutions in the city and the exchange meeting between police and banks, so as to increase the value of transferring key suspicious clues, strengthen the construction of internal control mechanism for anti-money laundering, improve the quality and effectiveness of anti-money laundering training, broaden the channels and frequency of anti-money laundering propaganda, and enhance the exchange of experience in anti-money laundering work, and the importance of financial institutions in the city to anti-money laundering work has been greatly improved.

At the same time, relying on the mechanism of Huaihua anti-money laundering joint meeting, the public security organs provided financial institutions with guidance on how to find suspicious clues and improve the efficiency of tracing, and promoted financial institutions to better identify and report suspicious transactions and strengthen the pertinence and effectiveness of anti-money laundering work; Advanced units in anti-money laundering shared the Bank’s experience in discovering and submitting key suspicious clues in anti-money laundering work, providing opportunities for other financial institutions to learn and learn from. Through the linkage of a series of meetings, the cooperation between public security organs and financial institutions has been further strengthened, and the professional quality and suspicious transaction analysis and screening ability of anti-money laundering talents in Huaihua financial institutions have been effectively improved, so as to better prevent and crack down on money laundering criminal activities, maintain financial order and social security, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people.

("Anti-Money Laundering Publicity and Education Base" unveiled at Hunan Medical College)

Promote the integration of education and mission

In order to implement the requirements of the National Three-year Action to Combat Money Laundering Crimes (2022-2024), Huaihua Branch of the People’s Bank of China, together with the Supervision Committee of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Intermediate People’s Court, the Municipal People’s Procuratorate, and the Municipal Public Security Bureau, launched a series of anti-money laundering knowledge competitions in Huaihua City from April to August 2023, including online answering questions by the whole people, on-site written examination of anti-money laundering knowledge of financial institutions and on-site anti-money laundering knowledge. The activity lasted for 3 months, with a total of more than 300,000 participants, and achieved good publicity results.

In order to do a good job in anti-money laundering education for college students, Huaihua Branch of the People’s Bank of China, Huaihua Public Security Bureau and Hunan Medical College jointly signed a memorandum of cooperation on "Hunan Anti-money Laundering Education Pilot Base", and held the awarding ceremony of the base in Hunan Medical College, creating a new model of anti-money laundering education cooperation among banks, police and schools. The three parties also hired more than 20 teachers and students and anti-money laundering staff of financial institutions as the first batch of "Huaihua anti-money laundering propaganda volunteers", which is also the first "anti-money laundering propaganda volunteer service team" in Hunan Province, laying a solid foundation for the normalized anti-money laundering propaganda work in the future.

(2023 Huaihua Anti-Money Laundering Police-Bank Exchange Meeting)

Innovative supervision methods

In order to better guide corporate financial institutions within their jurisdiction to carry out self-assessment of money laundering risks and implement the concept of "risk-oriented", Huaihua Branch of the People’s Bank of China formulated the "Three-year Implementation Plan for Anti-money Laundering Supervision of Corporate Institutions in Huaihua City". The scheme clearly adheres to the principle of "being flexible before being rigid, combining rigidity with flexibility" in the application of anti-money laundering supervision methods. First, through flexible supervision means such as supervision visits, interviews and risk assessment, the money laundering risks of institutions are discovered, and the evaluated institutions are urged to rectify. For institutions that find major risks of anti-money laundering or fail to rectify problems in time, special anti-money laundering law enforcement inspections will be carried out.

In view of the problems found in on-site supervision, Huaihua Branch of the People’s Bank of China adopted the mode of "combining evaluation with training, and promoting training through evaluation" to give point-to-point and face-to-face training explanations on the problems existing in the anti-money laundering work of financial institutions. This practice of combining problems found in assessment with anti-money laundering training is a new exploration of Huaihua Branch of the People’s Bank of China in the construction of anti-money laundering teams in financial institutions. By promoting training and reform through evaluation, the quality and efficiency of anti-money laundering work in financial institutions have been comprehensively improved and the expected goals have been achieved.

(Huaihua Daily, all-media reporter Zhang Hongpeng, correspondent Wu Kaijun, Jiang Dingqing)


Many places will usher in strong winds and cool weather, and the cooling rate in the south will exceed that in the north.

  At 18: 00 on the 20th, the Central Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning for the cold wave: It is predicted that due to the influence of the cold wave, there will be large-scale gale and cooling weather from north to south in most parts of central and eastern China from the 20th to the 24th, and the average temperature will generally drop by 6-mdash; 10 degrees Celsius.

  According to reports, this cold wave has the characteristics of large cooling range, wide precipitation range, strong cold air force and slow travel speed.

  The cooling rate in the south is higher than that in the north, and the scope of winter in the whole country will be further expanded.

  According to the news released by the Central Meteorological Observatory, affected by the cold wave, the temperature in the eastern part of northwest China, eastern and central North China, central and western Huanghuai, central and western Jianghuai, Jianghan, central and western Jiangnan, central and northern South China, northeastern Sichuan, eastern Chongqing and central and eastern Guizhou will drop by 12-mdash; At 14 degrees Celsius, the temperature drop in parts of southern Henan, western Anhui, most of Hubei, central and western Hunan and northeastern Guangxi can reach more than 16 degrees Celsius. The above areas are accompanied by 4-mdash; The northerly wind is 6, and the winds in the eastern and southern seas are 7-mdash; Level 9. In the early morning of the 22nd, the lowest temperature 0℃ line will be located in the central part of Huanghuai, and the lowest temperature in North China Plain will reach-3 -3— -10 degrees Celsius. The daily minimum temperature in some areas of North China Plain is close to the extreme value in the middle and late November.

  At the same time, the Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a blue warning of blizzard. It is estimated that there will be heavy snow in parts of Beijing, northern Tianjin, northern Hebei, northeastern Shanxi and western mountainous areas of southern Xinjiang from 20: 00 on the 20th to 20: 00 on the 21st. Among them, there are blizzards (10-mdash; 12 mm), the above areas will add snow depth of 2-mdash; 5 cm, the local area can reach more than 8 cm.

  "From the perspective of cooling range, due to the relatively low basic temperature in the northern region in the early stage, the cooling range in the southern region is larger than that in the northern region," said Zhang Tao, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory. After the cold air, the minimum temperature in the southern region will not change much, and the minimum temperature will not recover obviously, but the maximum temperature in some areas will recover quickly during the day, so the temperature difference between day and night will be larger in some areas.

  Does this round of cold air mean that China has officially entered winter?

  Zhang Tao said that as China’s climate process gradually entered the winter, the force of warm and humid air flow gradually weakened. Meteorology, the average daily temperature for five consecutive days is below 10 degrees Celsius as the winter standard. At present, the area in winter in China is north of the Qinling Mountains and Huaihe River. After this round of cold air, the scope of winter in China will be further expanded, and the winter line will be pushed to the northern part of the south of the Yangtze River and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

  Strong cold air will affect the northern and southeastern waters of China on a large scale.

  According to the National Ocean Forecasting Station, influenced by a strong cold air, it is predicted that there will be a strong temperate storm surge in Bohai Bay, Laizhou Bay and the northern coast of Shandong Peninsula from the afternoon of 20th to the morning of 22nd. From 21st to 26th, the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, the waters near Diaoyu Island, the Taiwan Province Strait and the northern part of the South China Sea will see a huge wave.

  On the afternoon of the 20th, the National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center issued a 24-hour yellow storm surge warning: It is estimated that there will be 50-mdash in Bohai Bay from the afternoon of November 20th to the afternoon of 21st; 160 cm storm will increase water, and there will be 50-mdash in Laizhou Bay; 200 cm storm will increase water, and there will be 30-mdash along the northern coast of Shandong Peninsula; 80 cm storm increases water. Tidal stations in Caofeidian, Hebei, Huanghua and Tanggu, Tianjin will reach the local yellow warning tide level on the morning of 21st, tidal stations in Yangjiaogou and Weifang, Shandong will reach the local blue warning tide level on the afternoon of 21st, tidal stations in Jingtang Port, Hebei will reach the local blue warning tide level on the morning of 21st, and tidal stations in Longkou and Penglai, Shandong will reach the local warning tide level on the afternoon of 21st. The warning level of storm surge in Tangshan, Cangzhou, Tianjin and Weifang, Shandong Province is yellow, and the warning level of storm surge in Yantai, Shandong Province is blue.

  This marine disaster process has a long time, a wide range and great intensity.

  Experts suggest that relevant units should make preparations for defense deployment in advance, and relevant departments should conduct inspections and maintenance of seawalls, sluices and other facilities in a timely manner, and do a good job in strengthening seawalls and fishery breeding facilities in weak and dangerous areas.

  Affected by cold air, air pollutants in Huanghuai area of North China will weaken and dissipate.

  A few days ago, the air in some areas was heavily polluted, and many people still remember it: since November 16, the meteorological conditions in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and its surrounding areas have stabilized, the inversion temperature has increased, the humidity has increased, and the pollution diffusion conditions have been unfavorable, and some cities have successively experienced heavy pollution weather processes. The air quality in 30 cities has reached serious pollution and above, including Taiyuan, Linfen, Shijiazhuang, Kaifeng, Anyang and Xingtai. Beijing started the orange warning of heavy air pollution at 0: 00 on the 17th.

  Then, when the cold wave strikes, can the blue sky come as scheduled?

  According to the Central Meteorological Observatory, the smog weather in Huanghuai area of North China will be completely weakened and dissipated on the 21st with the arrival of cold air.

  In addition, according to the forecast of China National Environmental Monitoring Center, 21st — On the 23rd, the diffusion conditions continued to be favorable. The air quality in most parts of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region was excellent, and slight pollution may occur in some areas. The primary pollutant was PM2.5.

  On the 24th, as the wind direction gradually turned to the south, the diffusion conditions became worse, and pollutants tended to converge to the south-central part of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. The northern part of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is mainly excellent, while the central and southern parts of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, western Shandong, southwestern Shanxi and northern Henan are mainly light to moderate pollution, and some areas may have short-term heavy pollution. 25th — On the 26th, the diffusion conditions continued to be unfavorable, with moderate to severe pollution in central and southern Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, central and western Shandong, northern Henan and southwestern Shanxi, among which serious pollution may occur in central and southern Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and parts of western Shandong. On the 27th, the pollution situation eased and the pollution process ended due to the possible transit in the high-altitude trough area and the northerly airflow near the ground.

Blue mountain: observation and exchange promote long-term pairing and help promote development

Today Yongzhou News (Blue Mountain Special Reporter Liu Wenbin)In order to give full play to the advantages of high-quality educational resources and radiation-driven role of urban twinning schools, and help improve the quality and efficiency of education and teaching in weak rural schools. Recently, Chilanqiao Primary School in Lanshan County, together with Nanshi Town Central Primary School, Jingzhu Yaozu Township Central Primary School and Huoshi School Primary School, jointly launched the activity of "observing and communicating to promote long-term pairing and helping to promote development".

During the activity, Peng Sudi and Li Liting, the backbone teachers of Chinese subject in Chilanqiao Primary School, and Peng Shiqiong and Zhong Xiaoyan, the math teachers, respectively, closely followed the teaching theme, carefully designed the teaching links, and sent wonderful "teaching feasts" to the teachers in the aided schools through simple language, vivid and detailed teaching examples and concise teaching skills. Subsequently, Wang Yongyue, director of the Guidance Office, gave a detailed explanation on the efficient application and skills of teaching software in combination with the actual teaching situation, so as to improve the efficiency of teachers’ teaching software preparation.

At the end of the activity, Zeng Shengming, the head of the teaching and research section of the county education bureau, summarized and commented on the activity, and encouraged the paired schools to continuously strengthen communication with the aided schools, hand in hand, and work together to run a satisfactory education for the people.

It is understood that Chilanqiao Primary School in Lanshan County has been carried out in this semester.+Please come in and help in pairs for 4 times, and the material assistance has reached nearly 10,000 yuan.


Movie music

Did you see that strange light? It was a storm that came with the dawn. It was something else. It was terrible. Did you hear the rumbling? It’s probably rain. No, not the rain. He saw us. Follow us. He caught up with us. Get in the carriage, Mia. Let’s go in. Come on. The death elves are going through here. Mia, the death elf. And he is very big. Do you feel cold?

Improvement of lung cancer staging by PET AI model

A research team in Germany said that an artificial intelligence (AI) model based on routine data of F-18 FDG-PET/CT scanning can improve the accuracy of staging treatment for patients with metastatic lung cancer.

A research team led by Dr Julian Rogasch of Charette Medical University in Berlin has developed a machine learning tool to help evaluate mediastinal lymph node metastasis in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). They found that the model was more accurate than the visual score of PET, and suggested that it could help doctors make more accurate treatment plans. Their results were published in the February 23 issue of the European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, and they wrote that the model can be used as a network application to further promote verification.

Dr. Rogasch and his colleagues wrote: "This model was developed for routine clinical care, and the probability of N2/3 disease (that is, whether there is N1, N2 or N3, which is the key to determine stage II and III diseases) was estimated according to the results of F-18 FDG-PET/CT. This is based on routinely available variables, most of which are already part of the F-18 FDG-PET/CT report in routine clinical nursing. "

In patients with non-small cell lung cancer, accurate imaging of thoracic lymph node metastasis is very important for treatment planning. The authors explain that patients with N0/1 disease usually need surgery, while patients with more extensive N2/3 disease need multimodal treatment. They pointed out that although F-18 FDG-PET/CT is the most effective method, it may be limited by false positive results, and invasive biopsy is often needed to confirm suspicious cases.

In order to evaluate the value of AI model designed to assist these cases, the researchers collected data of 491 patients with non-small cell lung cancer, who were imaged before treatment with analog PET/CT scanner or digital PET scanner. According to the scanner used, patients were divided into training queue and verification queue. There were 385 people in the simulation training and testing queue and 106 people in the digital verification queue.

Forty clinical variables, tumor features and image variables, such as F-18 FDG radioactive tracer uptake (SUVmax) of lymph nodes, were collected, and different combinations of variables in several machine learning methods were compared. The researchers chose a gradient enhancement classifier with 10 eigenvalues as the final model.

The above picture comes from a 54-year-old woman in a training and testing cohort, suffering from G2 adenocarcinoma in the right upper lobe (44 mm). The uptake of F-18 FDG in several hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes was higher than that in normal liver (PET score was 3). The blue arrow shows N2 paratracheal lymph nodes with a short axis of 7 mm and an SUVmax of 3.5. According to the visual assessment, this case is suspected of N2 disease. According to the gradient enhanced classifier model, the probability of N2/3 is only 0.17. Ultrasound-guided bronchial puncture biopsy of LNs at the same hilum, paratrachea and carina confirmed that the patient was NO. Image provided by European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging through CC BY 4.0.

The gradient-enhanced classifier model shows that the AUC in the training and testing queue is significantly higher than the visual PET score (0.91 vs.0.87, p=0.003), and the AUC in the verification queue is slightly higher (0.94 vs.0.91, p=0.023).

It is worth noting that the gradient-enhanced classifier model is superior to the visual evaluation of radioactive tracer uptake in lymph nodes above mediastinum, which is the most common and effective diagnostic threshold in visual F-18 FDG-PET/CT evaluation. They also reported that the coordination of PET images between the two scanners does affect the visual evaluation of SUVmax and lymph nodes, but it does not reduce the AUC of the model.

In order to facilitate further verification, the team has published all variables and machine learning codes as open data and used a web application on GitHub. The network application requires users to input 10 eigenvalues to calculate the prediction probability of N2/3 disease.

Dr. Rogasch and his colleagues said that the research results show a good prospect and deserve further study.

They concluded: "We look forward to the external verification and validity proof in the intervention test."